Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Guest Post: The Evolution of Cosmopolitan Magazine – A remarkable (d)evolution indeed.
- City Of San Francisco Moves To Join Growing Boycott Of Arizona Over New Anti-Immigration Law – Sounds like an excellent idea. Who wants to tour someplace where you can be asked for your “papers” at any time?
- The Simpsons Supports South Park: Joe
- Double your delay: Senate GOP picks another tactic off the obstruction menu – Yes, not only does the GOP filibuster actual cloture votes (to end debate) at an insane rate these days, they’re filibustering even bringing bills to debate in the first place. And then they complain that they haven’t been part of the conversation, that the Dems are meeting behind closed doors, and that bills are being rushed through.
- Eric Boehlert: So now a 50% job approval rating is a bad thing?: Eric Boehlert
- Why are they afraid of the debate? – Dark things cannot stand the light …
- The Implications That The Murder Of An Immigrant Good Samaritan Has For Arizona: anill
- Seattle Cartoonist Pegs May 20th As “Everybody Draw Muhammed Day” – I’m not a believer in being intentionally rude — but I’m even less of a believer in caving in to bullies and fear. I think this is a fine idea.
- The African Giant Snail – The Largest Snail On Earth – Um … ew. Also, fascinating. Also, ew.
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Cosmo is now the magazine equivalent of camp cereal – it doesn’t in any world look like it could be good for you. I only peruse it on plane flights, when I can’t concentrate for more than about 10 minutes at a time.
I must confess to being fascinated by the constant SOOPER-SEKRIT revelations of “stuff that will drive him wild.” Most of which (when I have time in the check-out line to peruse) are blindingly obvious. (Of course, who knows — perhaps I am simply easily driven wild.)
I am reading this in France!
~pats Ginger on the head and hands her a lovely glass of red wine~
Ok, Ginger, that’s just boasting.
When it comes to ‘driving him wild,’ I often wonder why the first suggestion isn’t ‘Ask him.’ Seems so, ah, simple and straight forward. But it doesn’t sell many magazines!
Oops, I’ve got to get on board with the ‘reply’ button!
Yes. Yes, you do. 😉
You kids and your newfangled blog upgrades. What will you come up with next?
Maybe we can set *you* up with a decent blog, hmmmm? With comments and stuff like that? C’mon, all the cool kids are doing it …