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Unblogged Bits (Mon. 23-Aug-10 2000)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Jamison Foser: Why do pundits think Bush regularly attended church?: Jamison Foser
  2. Jamison Foser: What’s the “right” amount of “hostility towards Muslims”?: Jamison Foser
  3. When budget cuts go to the extreme – We haven’t been asked to send TP to school — but kleenex, paper towels, hand sanitizer? Yup.
  4. Random Book Blogging: Beck, Mormonism, The Gospels, and The “Christian Tradition” – “You’d think that Glen Beck would be able to look at his own experience and see how callow and nasty these attacks really are. But you’d be wrong.”
  5. In Calling For Islamic Center’s Relocation, Former Bush Official Ignores Message She Touted Abroad – So does Hughes think it’s okay for Muslim women to drive near Ground Zero? Inquiring minds want to know!
  6. Victorian Poets Used Texting Lingo : Discovery News – It’s like steampunk, but real!
  7. Energizing more than just the GOP base – Unfortunately, I think too may on the Right have a “bring it on” attitude toward Islamicist terrorism. If they provoke Muslims and get away with it, then it’s a victory. If they provoke Muslims and there is an actual attack, it demonstrates the righteousness of their cause, another victory. That people might get hurt in the process is, for some, insignificant against the Cause. Which, if you think of it, is sort of a terrorist way of thinking.
  8. Pastors Who Vouch for Obama’s Christian Faith Are Just Like Churches Who Gave Cover to Nazis: Kyle
  9. Ron Paul breaks with GOP on New York mosque: The opposition ‘is all about hate and Islamaphobia.’ – See, this is why Ron Paul is as popular as he is — because amidst some goofy policies he also isn’t afraid to speak his mind when he’s at odds with the party majority.
  10. 10 Top Retail Chains That Are Shrinking – Obviously we need to cut taxes so that more rich people can afford to shop at Winn-Dixie …
  11. 3 Credit Card Act Protections Went Live Sunday – Not some of the most exciting provisions, to be sure, but useful ones.
  12. Breastfeeding Moms Stage “Nurse-In” At Arizona McDonald’s – Good for them.
  13. Pork, Parents and The Daily Show – A vote for letting Muslims adopt children is a vote against America’s struggling pork farmers! Don’t let them get away with it!
  14. Colorado Tea Partiers Angry At Tancredo: You Spoiled Our Party! | TPMDC – Hee-hee …
  15. Federally Funded Religious Freedom Commission Packed With Anti-‘Mosque’ Members | TPMDC – These are the folks pestering Saudi Arabia for not allowing Christian churches to be built. Jerks.
  16. Armey to GOPers: Support teabagger legislation or you’ll lose – Armey says, “And we have watched American public policy dominated by Democrats that don’t care and Republicans that don’t dare for a long time.” What’s ruefully amusing is that I’d say we’ve seen too much of the opposite over the last 20 months: Republicans who don’t care and Democrats who don’t dare.
  17. Paul Krugman: Keeping Bush Tax Cuts For Rich Like Giving 120,000 People $3 Million Each – That statistic should be in every Democratic ad between now and November.
  18. Fast Food Ads Are Often Opposite Of Reality – There’s more than one reason why it always comes all wrapped up and boxed …
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