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Bryan Fischer is (still) a dolt

bryan fischer
Bryan Fischer - Our Last Bulwark Against Illegitimate Part Usage

Drumming up the troops to help block a repeal of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell law (which the GOP managed to block from even coming to debate), here’s Fischer at his ranty and irrational finest:

This is critical. This is one of the most important votes that is going to take place in the United States Senate in some ways probably in the history of our country …

Yes, as important at the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or the Declaration of War on Japan in 1941, or Reagan’s Tax Cuts, or … well one of the most important things ever!

… because this would be huge victory for the homosexual agenda. This would be a major advance of the homosexual agenda.


It would be hard to overestimate the victory that this would represent for the forces of sexual deviancy in the United States and the normalization of unnatural sexual behavior.

Well, there you got me, Bryan. It would, in fact, be a victory for the gay community to not have to stay closeted if they felt the patriotic urge to serve their country in the armed forces.  Oh, the shame of it.

I don’t need to go into the details here with you but just remind yourself of the kind of sexual activity that we’re talking about.

You keep wanting people to think about this sexual deviancy, Bryan.  Why is this thought stuck in your head?

And remember that the folks that want this special treatment, …

The “special treatment” to not be discharged from the military?  That’s pretty darned special!

… their only distinguishing mark, the only thing that sets them apart from everybody else and then entire basis on which they are asking for special treatment, special privileges, special protections …

Yes, special protection from not being kicked out of the Army based on whom they have consensual sex with. The special privilege to be able to serve in the Navy without being discharged based on whom they have consensual sex with. The special treatment of being able to fly a fighter jet in the Air Force without being grounded based on whom they have consensual sex with.  Why, thank God nobody else has those special privileges, treatment, protections.  Except for, y’know, everybody else.

… is the kind of unnatural sex they practice!

Again, drawing our attention to that “unnatural sex,” Bryan. You seem a bit obsessed on the subject.

That’s it! You can’t tell by looking at them; unless they tell you, you wouldn’t know.

Right! They’re perfectly normal and unable to be distinguished from everyone else … unless they happen to mention a romantic interest with someone of the same gender.  Or someone spots a personal possession that gives them away.  Or someone else sees them holding hands with the Wrong Type.

But they want special protections that are based exclusively on the kind of deviant sexual behavior in which they engage…

Still trying to figure out this “special protection” thing, Bryan.  I mean, if I served in the Army, I would be “protected” from being discharged just because I was sleeping with a woman.  Why is it “special” that a gay person wants the very same protection?

… – putting parts of the human body to sexual use that were not designed for that purpose.

Y’know, Bryan — some non-homosexual folks engage in some of those very same activities, albeit with members of the opposite sex.  If we’re just complaining about how which parts are used where, should they be booted from the military, too?

And rather than be ashamed of that conduct, embarrassed by that conduct, they want to conduct to be celebrated, they want it to be celebrated openly, they want the United States military to endorse and sanction, legitimize, promote, recruit on the basis of that kind of sexual behavior.

And some of those non-homosexual folks who engaged in some of those very same activities, whilst  serving in the military, have even been known to brag about it amongst their peers.  Are they subject to discharge from the military, too?

Besides which, Bryan, I’m not aware of any gays asking for big Gay Pride Parades at the military academies, or posters promoting Our Fighting Gay Troops, or even suggesting that military recruiters play up the whole “hang out with gay service members” thing.  They’re just looking not to be persecuted for mentioning, for example, how much they love someone who happens to be of the same gender.

And this is something we have just absolutely got to stop. I mean this in many ways would be as fatal as any other achievement, accomplishment, victory for the homosexual agenda that you can imagine.

Fatal! Egads!

So you can hardly imagine the damage that this is going to do to our national security, to our national defense.

You’re right, Bryan — I can hardly imagine it.

We’re no longer going to have the privilege of being defended by people of character, by people of moral character, by people of moral integrity.

You do know that: (a) There are gays currently serving in the military now, just closeted. (b) It’s not at all likely that all the straights in the military  (which is whom I assume you rather loathesomely mean by “people of moral character”) are going to quit. (c) There are, in fact, some straight folks in the military who are, in fact, not “people of character, people of moral character, people of moral integrity.”

Now the only people that are going to be allowed to wear the uniform of the United States military will either be sexual perverts, sexual deviants, or people who support sexual perversion or sexual deviancy.

Why, Bryan — I do believe you just implicitly referred to me (though I am not someone in uniform) as not being one of the people of character /  moral character / moral integrity.  How delightful.

By the way, when they integrated the Army back in the 40s-50s … do you think that the only whites in the service were supporters of miscegany and “nigger-lovers”?  I can assure you, Bryan, that when gays (who already serve in the military, sometimes even known to some of their fellow straight comrades as being That Way) are allowed out of the DADT closet, there will still be plenty of homophobes and gay haters serving to warm the cockles of your heart.

Can you imagine what that’s going to do to the strength and the ability of the United States military to be trained and to respond to threats against our national security.

Egad! We’ll be as poncy and ineffectual as the Israelis and the Brits!

I mean it just beggars the imagination and it’s just kind of a sad commentary about where we are at as a culture that this thing is even being considered as a possibility and being seriously entertained.

The entertainment, Bryan, comes from your curious lack of rational thought and how you let your hatred and disgust blind you to anyone different from you.  Oh, and your remarkable obsession with what Those People are doing with Their Body Parts.

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