Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Poll: One out of Five Americans Do Not Believe Obama Exists « Borowitz Report – It would be funny, if I didn’t think it was too close to being real.
- What it means when you say “literally” – The Oatmeal
- Beck would call Dr. King a “racist” before amending it to “anti-colonial” | Media Matters for America – Wait … you’re actually expecting Glenn Beck to be … intellectually consistent?
- Tea Party Candidate Ken Buck Called For Privatizing Veterans’ Health Care – Because, of course, running the hospitals for profit will mean better care for vets. Um … why?
- Lisa Murkowski Would Like to Buy a Vowel, Please. – (Facepalm)
- Mushy libertarianism vs the religious impulse.: CLS
- Swift Boat Merchant Jerome Corsi Calls On President Obama To Renounce Lucifer (Really) – Jeez. Next up: “Mr. President, is it true that you’ve stopped beating your wife?”
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2. I remember the first time the misuse of “literally” got my attention. A KNX (Los Angeles) anchorperson said that a house had so many people living in it tha “the walls are literally bursting.” My brain virtually exploded.
5. Talking down to potential voters is always your best bet. Adults love to be treated like ignorant third-graders.