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Unblogged Bits (Tue. 19-Oct-10 1130)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. 5 Multiplayer Video Games That Will Destroy Your Marriage |
  2. Focus on the Family: Ken Buck Is Right, Alcoholism and Homosexuality Are Both “Highly Addictive” – Yeah, that gay sex is really addictive. As the old saying goes, “Once you go homo, you never will roam-oh.” Good thing FoF is shielding our youth from learning about how appealing and addictive a habit it can be!
  3. ThinkProgress » Univision Accepts $80,000 To Air GOP Group’s Ads That Tell Latinos Not To Vote – That seems a bit nuts.
  4. Photos from Japanese pop-singer’s abandoned house – This is hauntingly cool.
  5. Oracle wants LibreOffice members to leave OOo council – This is why we can’t have nice things (when Oracle is involved).
  6. PolitiFact | U.S. Chamber says health care law hammers small businesses in an attack on Betsy Markey, D-Colo. – I’m shocked, shocked to find the US Chamber of Commerce spreading falsehoods about health care reform and energy policy.
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2 thoughts on “Unblogged Bits (Tue. 19-Oct-10 1130)”

  1. 2. This whole “homosexuality is a choice” thing bugs me. I wish somebody making this claim would prove it by “deciding” to become homosexual for an hour. The we hook him/her up to a brain scanner and show sexy pictures of men and women and see which ones he/she responds to.

    3. The way to stand up for yourself is to lie down and do nothing? I hope nobody falls for this.

    1. 2. I think the “it’s not a choice” card is a weak one, because it doesn’t really require acceptance (sociopaths operate “without a choice,” but we don’t forgive them and let them be on that account; at most, it causes us to be sympathetic to their being a victim of circumstance).

      Instead, the question must be, “So what the hell difference does it make?” Or maybe, “What the hell difference that makes a difference to everyone besides you does it make?” What consenting adults do behind closed doors is their own business; before someone decides that’s a basis to discriminate, they’d best (a) make sure their own house is in order, and (b) come up with a reason other than “a religious authority told me so” or “I find it personally distasteful.”

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