Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Tancredo Still Believes In Bombing Mecca And Medina – And he could be our governor, God help us.
- Something to keep in mind tomorrow as you head off to vote – Amen.
- Can You Hear Me Now? – More on cell phones and the (non-existent) link to brain cancer.
- Bloody Mary Unveiled – That’s just spooky.
- Ben Dimiero: UPDATED: Conservative media assume black child wearing Joker makeup is the “Obama Joker” – But, no, they’re not racist, nosiree!
- GEORGIA: Megachurch Pastor Comes Out – I appreciate his bravery in doing this, no matter how late in the game. That he’ll likely lose his job (and a lot of “friends”) makes it all the more tragic.
- Zombie voters on the loose in Kansas – Dead man voting!
- That’s not an especially impressive skill in a president – How dreamy!
- More News Corp contributions – “I’m beginning to think News Corp’s outlets aren’t exactly credible, and may not have the highest journalistic standards. Call it a hunch.”
- The limited value of the ‘vote for the person’ maxim – It’s especially limited when you think about how monolithically the Republicans (to a lesser degree the Dems) caucus. I may think person X is a swell guy I’d like invite over for a beer, but if he’s going to vote in lockstep with John Boehner, that mitigates his value to me as a representative.
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Why are all the radicals on the ballots this year? Seems many more than normal. Any ideas why that might be? I know the Tea Party is behind most of the Kooks, but then why is the Tea Party so radical?
In my semi-informed opinion, a lot of it has to do with it being a mid-term, which traditionally pulls very low turn-out for primaries. Result: anyone with a fair amount of organization and motivation can get a primary nomination.
As to why the TPers are so radical — aside from support from behind the scenes to make them so, and their apparent subscription to what Fox News and Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh say as the Gospel Truth — their radicalness is the result of being simply Against Stuff. “Taxed Enough Already,” and the continued demonization of government and the social network as infringing on their rights. They’re haters. As such they are (as I said) prone to being manipulated into further hate.