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Unblogged Bits (Tue. 2-Nov-10 1130)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. This week, Firefly’s Shepherd Book finally gets an origin story! [Comicswecrave] – Very much looking forward to this. (Or maybe not — character secrets long hidden are rarely as cool when they come to light.)
  2. RLC for November / 02 / 2010 – This describes my relationship with professional sports.
  3. The Familiar Ring Of The K Street Project – Republicans trying to control the businesses that are trying to control the Republicans. Welcome to the next two years (at least).
  4. Follow-up: My Little Pony – I may be slightly ill. Actually, the most noteworthy thing in the new logo is the emphasis on “MY” — which resonates with web-savvy kids as well as adding some good old American possessiveness to the mix.
  5. Fork off: mass exodus from OOo as contributors join LibreOffice – Smooth move, Oracle.
  6. Here we go with the bogus spin about how Dems lost (if they lose) – “No one over-promised, and no one over-reached. The President and the Democrats in Congress lacked spine and an ability to message. They ticked off the base, left the economy in more shambles than it needed to be, and permitted the GOP to lie with impunity. And that’s the stuff of losing elections.”
  7. Roseanne Cash To John Boehner: “Stop Using My Dad’s Name, You Asshat” – Good for you, ma’am!
  8. Failure to pay due regard to the separateness of persons. Or: the most anti-feminist “feminism” I’ve ever seen. Or: never, never, NEVER have sex with this woman. Or: Let me repeat. For god’s sake, this is not what feminism is! This is crypto-fundamentalism. – McDonagh seems to advocate in favor of deception and ignorance. That is an immoral position to take, regardless of one’s politics.
  9. Why isn’t Jonah Goldberg unemployed? [Pharyngula] – Wow. Stay classy (and keep the moral high ground), Jonah! (Note: I have some problems with how WikiLeaks has handled this whole thing, but I have similar, even greater problems with information being classified more to cover political butts than because operational security demands it. When in doubt, go with the truth.)
  10. From the “Duh” Files: GOP will use 2010 infrastructure to steamroll 2012 – A lot of companies and wealthy will simply add this to the cost of doing business. If it provides the profits they expect it will, it’ll be cheap at twice the price.
  11. Rep. Bachus Makes Preemptive Strike: Obama May ‘Force’ GOP To Shutdown The Government – Hostage takers always claim they were forced into it … “If this government gets hurt, it’s your responsibility! Now back down!”
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