Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- No charges in destruction of CIA videotapes, Justice Department says – Yeah, there’s a shocker.
- The Evil Deity – I love hypotheticals. I miss staying up way too late in the dorm arguing them. With beer.
- Sarah Palin Gets Facts Wrong By Misquoting WSJ Story; Lashes Out At Reporter Who Corrected Her – Stay classy, Sarah!
- A 271 Million Dollar Non-Tunnel for New Jersey: Jacob Davies
- Religious Right Lining Up Behind Bachmann – I’d love to see Bachmann running the House Republican Conference. The more publicity she gets, the more terrifyingly buffoonish the GOP appears.
- VIDEO: After Promising New Era Of Disclosure, GOP Refuses To Disclose Transition-Related Documents – I’m shocked, shocked to discover GOP Congresscritters proclaiming transparency whilst meeting in private with lobbyists.
- Former British Government Minister Disputes Bush’s Claim That Waterboarding Foiled Terror Plots In Britain – Dubya maintains it’s not torture, but won’t go so far to say that it’s okay for folks who capture Americans to do it to them. Nice cognitive dissonance there, George. Don’t plan any trips to a country that might actually arrest you for war crimes.
- The “Dirt On Shirt” Scam: Ben Popken
- Limbaugh Asks, Sullivan Answers : Dispatches from the Culture Wars – Why does Rush Limbaugh hate Abe Lincoln and Adam Smith so much?
- I nominate Mr. Fox to chair the Hen House Oversight Committee: Brad Reed
- China to rank #1 in patent filings by 2011? – Haven’t we been assured that the reason our schools are such a failure is because of Big Government Control and Bibles Being Banned? That … kind of sounds like China …
- “Nobody will ever buy books or airline tickets on the Internet.” – Newsweek, 1995 – Most of the author’s criticism is based on the technical limits of 1995. Most of the rest seem to be based on an elitist attitude that the Internet’s no good because, well, they let anyone post online. (The author is Clifford Stoll, who wrote the excellent “The Cuckoo’s Egg,” so he’s not quite a luddite; he was just wrong here.)
- Twinkie diet helps nutrition professor lose 27 pounds – – Calories count.
- Hardeep Dhillon: The Golden Temple visit: A dilemma of the toxic conservative media – So the President has a chance to reach out to a large community in a country he’s visiting, members of a significant world religion … and decides he has to back down because someone’s going to shoot pictures of him wearing a head covering and gin it up as the latest evidence that Obama’s a Muslim (which is particularly ironic, because Sikhs aren’t Muslim). Thank you so much, Wingnut Liars and Conspiracy Theorists of the Right.
- Down With Government Oversight: Cheezburger Network
- Torchwood Update – Coolness …
- Facebook and Gmail’s Dispute Over Your Contacts’ Details Has Got Dirtier [Facebook] – Facebook’s willingness to “cleverly” circumvent Google’s block is … well, more than a bit obnoxious. And given how fiercely they’ve responded in the past to folks trying to scrape their own data out of FB, it passes into genuine dickishness.
- Testing infrasound thrills and chills with a double-blind randomized spook-house – Interesting.
- Michigan Assistant A.G. Fired, Accused Of Harassing Gay Student – I am very sensitive to First Amendment issues — but I agree his behavior went well beyond it, and, as a high-ranking member of the state’s law enforcement arm, he was under an even higher standard of conduct.
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