Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Cantor Dismisses Budget Fixing Proposal Because It Sounds Too European | TPMDC – Because, you know, they have Eurocooties!
- Fox News President Apologizes For NPR Nazi Comments | TPM LiveWire – Stay classy, Ailes!
- Palin Adviser Wanted Execution Without Trial For Convicted Terrorist Ahmed Ghailani – Can’t we publicly torture him first? Pleeeeaaaassse? I mean, isn’t that the American Way we’re all fighting to defend?
- Pell: the Full Funding Problem by Daniel Luzer | Washington Monthly – Nice – we can’t help get lower income kids to college because … that won’t reduce college costs. More great compassionate conservatism from the Heritage Foundation.
- The middle-class-first plan doesn’t leave out the wealthy – Good point — the rich get a tax benefit on the parts of the middle class cut that get lowered. It’s only when you get into the $1M/yr income range that the difference between the proposed cuts becomes more significant, but everyone’s getting a cut one way or another.
- Fischer: God Honors Those Who Inflict “Massive Casualties” Because “Christianity is Not a Religion of Pacifism” – As an amusing side note, John the Baptist, in the Luke verse before the one Fischer dubiously cites, endorses taxation (a.k.a., the Unbiblical Redistribution of Wealth by Liberals Who Hate God).
- Rep. Schock’s Response To Poll Showing 64 Percent Want End To Tax Cuts For Wealthy: Americans ‘Reject’ That – We listen to the American people! Except when they need to listen to us, instead! But then we tell them what to listen to, so then we can tell them we’re listening to them!
- In 2007, Beck Praised IAVA But Now Demonizes The Vets Group As Part Of His Made-Up Soros Conspiracy – What’s remarkable is that anyone pays any attention to the man.
- Boehner’s Home State Tea Party Slams His Secret Plot To Kill The Congressional Ethics Office – As if his plans are any great surprise.
- News: Video Killed the Faculty Star – Inside Higher Ed – I’m not sanguine about lectures becoming more studied performances than they sometimes are — and certainly if any student interaction is involved, it’s going to have an impact there, too. Also, LOVELY to see Breitbart-style selective editing for ideological impact going on. Stay classy, “Campus Reform”!
- Sanford Airport to opt out of TSA screening – WDBO Local News on – Um … this doesn’t actually change screening requirements, just who’d doing the zapping and groping. Plus, if you will recall a decade ago, one of the big fusses was about how blitheringly incompetent and unaccountable PRIVATE for-profit airport security were.
- Hyperbole and a Half: Dogs Don’t Understand Basic Concepts Like Moving – Funniest. Thing. All. Week. Bonus feature quote: “I made FOOD! I’m MAGICAL!”
- A fine time for a victory lap – “And yet, even now, the right thinks the president made the wrong call. It’s a striking reminder of the failure of conservative ideology — even when presented with evidence of a program that constitutes an ‘unqualified success,’ the right can’t admit it worked, because the initiative runs counter to their ideological demands.”
- Ailes speaks – I would say that Roger Ailes is a dolt, but he’s far too smart to hide behind ignorance or idiocy when he makes statements like this.
- How to be a bad senator – She’s blatant that she’s willing to cause problems with governance in order to get something for her corporate sponsors … er, her state. And this is one of the “Democrats” that has supposedly made up the “Democratic majority” in the Senate that should have been able to pass all sorts of stuff?
- FLASHBACK: Republicans Warned That GM Rescue Was ‘Road Toward Socialism,’ ‘Predictable’ Disaster – But they’ll still say it was a failure — because the truth of the matter is irrelevant, just the spin that their voting audience hears and believes.
- Reagan’s START Negotiator: Iran And North Korea The ‘Only’ Countries That Don’t Want New START Ratified – The problem is, the GOP leadership doesn’t care. They don’t care if it affects US relations with other countries (which neo-conservative thought think should be based on fear, not cooperation). They don’t care if it emboldens Russian or Iranian hardliners (who will simply make better fodder for saber-rattling in the future). They don’t care if it raises risks to the US (since we’re an exceptional nation, and therefore under God’s protection). They don’t care if it make the US look weak and indecisive (because they’ll claim it just makes Obama look weak and indecisive, at least to American audiences, who are the only voters they’re concerned with). They just don’t care about anything other than taking back power.
41 view(s)
7. I think the key phrase here is “[t]he message we heard…” No matter what the people say, they will hear exactly what they want to hear.
9. “Ethics? We ain’t got no ethics. We don’t need no ethics. I don’t have to show you any stinking ethics!”
12. Yes, another hilarious blog post from Allie Brosh. Once again, my sides hurt from laughing so hard.
#3: “Can’t we publicly torture him first? Pleeeeaaaassse?”
Yeah, I can so get behind that! A while back, I gave up my balls to Homeland Security for the illusion of a little security, and now that I’m no longer a man, Dave, I’ve found, like Dick Cheney, I have a love for torture.