Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- PCRM Asks Detroit Mayor To Issue Moratorium On New Fast Food Restaurants – It’s not clear why banning new fast food restaurants is going to add new healthier options. I mean, it’s not like McDonald’s is buying up all the Sprouts ‘n’ Fiber franchise locations.
- At the bottom of Earth’s orbit – See! We’re as close to the sun as we’re going to get! Global warming is a myth!
- A tour of underground New York City: Maggie Koerth-Baker
- Poll Shows Americans Believe Budget Should Be Balanced By Tax Hikes On The Rich – They don’t need to listen to the people! They have a MANDATE!
- Argentina’s Dancing with the Stars Is Pretty Much Straight Up Porn – Well, the host doesn’t seem to happy about it, but I’m sure it boosts the ratings.
- Former Adviser Says Vander Plaats “Obsessed With The Gay-Marriage Issue”: Kyle
- Supermarket Surprise: The Price You See is Not the Price You Pay – Well, this would get me to change supermarkets very, very quickly.
- GOP House chair pushing TSA privatization while contractor is campaign donor – I am shocked, shocked to find politicians (particularly GOP) shilling for their contributors, safety and/or truth be damned.
- Matt Taibbi explains MERS, the virtual mortgage registry that every banker loves – Remember — maximizing profit while minimizing responsibility is what’s made America strong!
- In a Word – Filed for future blog title usage …
- Disney Food Trends: Gourmet Mac and Cheese – Looks like Katherine is riding a trend!
- How innumerate are Americans, anyway? [Pharyngula] – Yup, a tax on dumb people.
- Great Literature – SMBC January 02, 2011 – Alas, all too true.
- Tea Party Already Mad At GOP – The crazy! It burns!
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