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Unblogged Bits (Tue. 11-Jan-11 0430)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. How to make your shopping cart suck less – The Oatmeal – The Oatmeal nails every single criticism I have of way too many ecommerce sites. And, yes, I have abandoned MONEY-MAKING TRANSACTIONS because the site sucked so badly.
  2. ‘Banning language’ is not on the table – It certainly should not be — and I seriously disagree with the Democratic Rep I heard arguing that threatening language against Congresscritters ought to be illegal, as such language against the President is. I don’t want to see us overreact or damage our democracy over this kind of thing the way we have regarding external terrorism.
  3. False Equivalency Watch – I have no doubt you can find some folks on the Left who advocate or use the language of violence, too. The real world is not that binary. But, all things considered, the vast majority comes from the Right, as illustrated here.
  4. Jacobs: Birds Are Dying Because of DADT Repeal – (Rolls eyes)
  5. David Frum On Tucson Tragedy: Let’s Blame Pot Rather Than Easy Access To Guns – Yeah … because all those pot smokers get so agitated and violent, right?
  6. Lax Gun Control Laws Allowed Mentally Ill Shooter To Buy Previously-Banned Magazine Clip – But at least the NRA is happy!
  7. Speaker Boehner And Republican Rhetoric – It’s a shame that we have to gauge our language around “the least rational member of the audience” — but if we also allow that least rational member to purchase whatever firearms they want, then, yes, we have to.
  8. Inside Wild Blog- Nat Geo Wild – Love zebras.
  9. Man Arrested For Threats Made To Michael Bennet’s (D-CO) Staffers – “Let me just say again that the particulars of Davis’ voter registration card is less important than the lack of access to mental health resources and apparent ready access to guns.” Isn’t it fascinating (and tragic) that that’s where our social priorities lie?
  10. A Day With an E-Mail Scammer – – This is just … beautiful.
  11. Harvard Forum: Who decides what your children eat? – The answer is (or should be), “Parents do.” Except, as noted, government policy for agricultural subsidies plays a huge role in the costs of food, and thus the decisions made.
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