Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- White Wash – “I’ve never met a racist who cited Huckleberry Finn as her inspiration.”
- Comparing speeches of Obama and Palin: ‘It’s difficult to imagine a starker contrast’: Joe Sudbay (DC)
- Disney World’s awful Tiki Room catches fire – As long as they’re having to repair the damage to the building, maybe they can repair the damage done to the whole show by the ’98 “updating.” Please.
- Bringing Back Traditional Values – Thaaaat’s just swell. “This is Raleigh in 2010, not Selma, Alabama, in the 1960s” says one of the new school board members. It’s unclear if it was said wistfully.
- A new look for Google Translate for Android – Would be very cool if they have the Conversation Mode working in Italian/English by our trip …
- More breaks from sitting are good for waistlines and hearts – Fortunately, I’m the sort that likes to get up and walk around while on the phone, but clearly it would be useful to do still more.
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