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Unblogged Bits (Thu. 13-Jan-11 2230)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Life Without Left Turns | Surprising Science – Um, wouldn’t roundabouts be another way to address this?
  2. Harry Potter villain FINALLY allowed to tan after 10-year ban | Blastr – The down side of being in an wildly successful film franchise.
  3. Stingray Nebula
  4. AFA Blog: It’s Not Genocide If God Tells You To Do It – Well at least they’ve chosen a refreshingly open way to address some of the horrors in the Old Testament. Yeesh.
  5. Wiley Drake Focuses His Imprecatory Prayers On Fred Phelps – Man, I hate it when I don’t know who to root for …
  6. Conservative Blogs Unleash More Animosity in Reaction to Obama’s Speech – Stay classy, Lunatic Right!
  7. U.S. income distribution (2010 edition) – “Most people imagine that the rich are in heaven, but, as a rule, it is only a gilded hell. There is not a man in the city of New York with genius enough, with brains enough, to own five millions of dollars. Why? The money will own him. He becomes the key to a safe. That money will get him up at daylight; that money will separate him from his friends; that money will fill his heart with fear; that money will rob his days of sunshine and his nights of pleasant dreams. He cannot own it. He becomes the property of that money. And he goes right on making more. What for? He does not know. It becomes a kind of insanity. No one is happier in a palace than in a cabin.” — Robert Green Ingersoll
  8. Individual Responsibility And Sarah Palin – Does Ms Palin speak at public and private events and on TV shows and in her never-ending chain of books because she thinks her words have no influence? That they might not change, or guide, or have an effect on the minds of her listeners? Of course not. Does she take credit when her vocal support of a candidate assists in their victory? Of course she does. There is, of course, a difference between who actually pulled the trigger and who offered up suggestions and targets and stoking up as to which direction the gun should be pointed. But that doesn’t mean the latter is absolved of any responsibility, moral if not legal. Ms Palin’s refusal to accept that is yet another indication of why she should never be elected to public office again.
  9. 1023 2011 – Homeopathy is one of those quack sciences I’ve never understood otherwise intelligent people being devotees of. Craziness.
  10. Climate change has guided 2,500 years of European history
  11. The new Zodiac – Wait … I’m a Sagittarius now? Aw, man, now I’m going to have to change my whole personality.
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5 thoughts on “Unblogged Bits (Thu. 13-Jan-11 2230)”

  1. 11. I’m still a Sagittarius. Neener neener. (Never mind that I’ve never fit the profile of one.)

    This has been one of my arguments against astrology for many years. If you’re going to make predictions based on the constellations’ positions in the sky, you need to use current maps. Not that it matters. Either way, it’s bunkum.

  2. Ms Palin’s refusal to accept that is yet another indication of why she should never be elected to public office again.

    By that standard every politician who supports strict gun control should never be elected to public office again. Under said logic they share responsibility for every single person who died because they were denied a means of self-defense by the State. Of course in that case you can actually point directly to said policy as the major factor in said deaths. Your claims about Palin and the AZ shooting are pure conjecture and not based on any tangible evidence.

  3. Is it your contention, Mike, that if everyone in the crowd had been armed, Loughner would have been unable to kill anyone (and that nobody else would have been killed)?

  4. No, and I have no clue where you even pulled such an illogical position from. I know some of you folks seem to think that \gun free zones\ emit forcefields that keep everyone in them safe and keep bad people from walking in with a gun and killing someone. Reality doesn’t work the way the utopia envision does.

    In the same vein, carrying a gun doesn’t create a magical barrier around me that guarantees my safety. If it did no cop would ever be shot, beaten, stabbed or otherwise harmed while on duty. It is not a magical talisman, it is an inanimate object. It gives me an effective means by which to fight back against someone committing predatory violence upon me, but it does not guarantee that I will be successful in doing so.

  5. No, and I have no clue where you even pulled such an illogical position from.

    From “Under said logic they share responsibility for every single person who died because they were denied a means of self-defense by the State.”

    I’m not a big believer in “gun-free zones” — in and of themselves, they’re useless, as you note. And, honestly, if we’re going to allow concealed-carry licenses for folks in grocery stores or shopping malls or any given street-corner, it makes little sense to come up with places where they can’t (or “shouldn’t”) be carried. It’s either pointless security theater, or requires actual security check points and all the problems that causes.

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