Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Ayn Rand’s New Religion for the Righteous – Remember when people were appalled (or at least pretended to be) by G Gordon Gecko’s “Greed is Good” mantra?
- DORK TOWER, Wednesday, April 20, 2011 – Yes.
- Top Republicans Embarrassed By Birthers; – This is one of those cases where, on the one hand, I’m gleeful that GOP tactics are biting them in the butt, but on the other hand those tactics have still had a toxic effect on the political and social system we all have to live in.
- Walking Dead billboard on funeral parlour: Now that IS product placement! | Mail Online – Now THAT’s comedy.
- Heaven – Heh.
- The Gospel according to Ayn Rand – On Faith – The Washington Post – I’m trying to figure out how Ryan can claim that Ayn Rand was the basis for him entering public service — since “public service” would seem to be, by definition, not part of Rand’s philosophy.
- Obama’s signing statement is wrong – “There’s no denying that Obama has been inconsistent on signing statements. But conservatives who profess to want fewer Obama ‘czars’ might start by calling on Republicans to stop exploiting that dysfunction to grind the nominating process to a halt.”
- Big business to Republicans: stop screwing around – You’d think that might have an effect, wouldn’t you?
- Lake Powell drought ended? Don’t trust the warming denialists’ predictions – People seem always willing to cherry-pick the one anomaly that proves their case, vs the trends that disprove it.
- Harvey And LaBarbera Accuse LGBT Community And Glee Of Using “Demonic Manipulation” To Make Kids Gay – FEAR! FEEEEEARRRRR!!
- Philco PC – DO WANT.
- Euthanasia coaster: assisted suicide by thrills – Well, I suppose if you gotta go, there are worse ways.
- Florida Gives Handout To The Jobless…Superhero Capes Costing $73,000 – So … by wearing bright red capes they might receive spontaneous job offers? Or what? (At least they might have made the capes long enough to sleep underneath, for some of those jobless …)
- New Ad In Maine Fights Conservatives’ Attempts To Rollback Child Labor Protections – Wow. Some Republican legislator is actually framing getting rid of child labor laws as protecting parental rights. Dolt.
- The Big Thirst: The Secret Revolution In U.S. Water Use – Actually, there’s actually some good news in here.
- Printing your boarding card out REALLY BIG: Cory Doctorow
- Reality Check – To summarize, science is real because it works, it’s self-policing, and it tells us “inconvenient truths.”
- Japan Ends Whaling Program! – There’s some good news.
- Tom Baker Newsletter | Latest news | Lis Sladen | Sarah Jane
- Trumped – Well, that’s rather depressing.
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