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Unblogged Bits (Thu. 21-Apr-11 2330)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Beck Calls Huck “Progressive,” Huck Calls Beck An Idiot – See, it’s moments like these when I say, “Hey, Huckabee is actually a pretty rational, all-right king of guy.” Then he turns around and pals up with (also-Beck-friend) David Barton.
  2. David Barton Refuses To Debate His Bogus History – Ah, how wonderful it must be to be so certain of your truth that you refuse to discuss it with anyone who might disagree …
  3. Have a happy Zombie Weekend – Heh. Yeah, I noticed that passage whilst doing the Passion reading on Palm Sunday. That particular aspect of the Crucifixion doesn’t usually make it into the movies.
  4. Gruber: iOS location storing is a bug, getting fixed in future iOS update – That’s certainly possible (I’ve seen crazier bugs), but Apple’s silence on the matter is not doing it any favors.
  5. Raising The Sunken Swifboats – Anyone who’d pay any attention to something coming out of WorldNutDaily is beyond cognitive redemption anyway. Yeesh.
  6. GIF: Platypus on the Prowl – Oh, there you are, Perry …
  7. Why Are Tech Founders Such Assholes? [Startups] – “What is it about computers and money that instills villainy?” Computers have nothing to do with it. Power (and money) corrupt … and, really, the folks most likely to strive to achieve either are most likely to be corrupted by them (or by their pursuit). I mean, really, is Gates any worse than Carnegie, or Zuckerberg than Rockefeller?
  8. Hubble Comes of Age With Dramatic New Image [Space Porn] – Oh, come on –that’s gotta be fake. It’s too gorgeous. (Plus, the Hubble is 21 years old! Eek!)
  9. The thing I don’t understand is why so often one hears discussion of the fruits of human labor as if it’s all the creation of some alien race – Lovely. Islamic art, usually eschewing depictions of objects and people, makes up for it with remarkable patterns.
  10. Maundy Thursday – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – There are times that it is so cool to belong to an Anglican denomination.
  11. Super Google Reader Converts All Partial RSS Feeds into Full Feeds [Downloads] – Sweet. Now if only GReader on Chrome weren’t having a Note in Reader problem with YouTube, it would be perfect.
  12. Small Screw Encyclopedia
  13. Senator questions Apple over iPhone tracking – Good questions all. Thanks, Sen Franken.
  14. Wonkette Thinks It’s Okay To Mock Trig Palin. Bulletin: It’s Not – Making an ass of yourself in the name of snark knows no political boundaries, unfortunately. This kind of humor (even its marginally weaker form that Wonkette is so infamous for) is one reason why I don’t read her.
  15. Paul Ryan Collected Social Security Entitlements Until Age 18 – I’m sure Ayn Rand would approve — take what you can get away with, then make sure nobody else can take more.
  16. Astoundingly Detailed LEGO Serenity – Shiny!
  17. The Post Office Railway (Mail Rail) | Silent UK – Urban & Underground Photography – Awesome. A modern-day dungeon-crawl.
52 view(s)  

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