Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- After approving NBC buyout, FCC Commish becomes Comcast lobbyist – Best government money can buy!
- Buffalo Man Living Next To Mosque Puts Sign On Lawn: “Bomb Making Next Driveway” – Dolt.
- Ohio State Rep Wants To Ban Abortion Because China Has Too Many Smart Kids – Um, I don’t think there’s any chance we can (assuming we even should) seek to rival China’s birth rate and population. Leaving aside, of course, the plain fact that Rep. Martin is simply casting about for a justification for his position.
- Historians Agree: David Barton Is No Historian – “His game is to inundate public policy makers (including local and state education boards as well as Congress) with ideas packaged as products that will move policy.”
- Colson Warns Of The Creeping Influence Of Ayn Rand In The Conservative Movement – Wow. I never thought I’d stand whole-heartedly behind anything Chuck Colson would say, but I do here.
- Newt Gingrich Is Just Like King David – “So it is pretty obvious that ‘family values’ leaders will do what is necessary to come up with ways to justify supporting Gingrich despite his history …” When you believe in absolutes, you learn to contort yourself around them mightily.
- $30K Raised For Man Charged With Assisting Lisa Miller – Feel the hate …
- Play Angry Birds Online, Right Now, for Free [Google]: Mike Fahey
- Four things you should know about LastPass – Computerworld Blogs – A much better article than the Bloomberg alarums that were going around earlier today.
- Why Skype? Microsoft confirms $8.5 billion purchase, clarifies nothing – It does seem a bit odd, at that price, with those plans.
- Newt in His Own Words: 33 Years of Bomb-Throwing – Well, it should certainly be a colorful campaign.
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