Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Youssef Calls On Christians To Leave The Presbyterian And Episcopal Churches And “Deliver These Institutions To Satan” – I take condemnation by Youssef (and the platform he’s working from) as highest praise.
- Fischer: Centuries of Inbreeding The Reason Muslims Are Stupid – Actually, First Cousin marriage is allowed in much of the United States, including California, New York, New Jersey, much of New England, much of the Deep South, New Mexico, and Colorado. Dolt.
- Phillips: Hearings On Oil Company Subsidies Just Like Soviet Show Trials – Yes, precisely like that. Except, y’know, minus the gulags and the shootings and the, well, trial parts.
- Do you read about politics on line? Help with this research (it’s free!) – Worth taking the time to do, I think. I did it.
- Quote of the moment, on shaping lives: Lord of the Rings or Atlas Shrugged – Seen it before, but still always good for a chuckle.
- Porter: Tornadoes Due To Legal Abortion, Israel Policy – So tornadoes striking in areas generally known as devoutly Christian and evangelical are the punishment of America for abortion, and Israel, and other wrathful bits? When God sends a tornado to take out all the gay bars in San Francisco, or smites the Planned Parenthood clinics in New York with lightning strikes, or sends a blizzard to destroy the Syrian embassy in DC, and then bothers to actually light up the sky with an explanation … THEN I’ll consider it divine retribution. Dolts.
- Iran to blind criminal with acid in ‘eye for an eye’ justice | World news | The Guardian – I am obliged, morally and consistently, to reject this as barbarism, even if there’s a certain twisted justice to it.
- Atlas Shrugged and Homos are Destroying America – Some interesting added data on some of the recent “THUG GAYS TAKING OVER THE WORLD!” cases. Which makes them even more ridiculous.
- Ron Paul Tells Chris Matthews He Favors Enforcement of No-Blacks Covenants in Deeds? – “Paul appealed to the free market, and argued that if a business owner were to post signs declaring segregation in his or her business, people wouldn’t patronize it.” The face of today’s GOP “up and comer” — willfully or unforgivably ignorant, or else just disingenuous.
- US Secret Service Wants You To Follow Them On Twitter (But Watch Out If They Start Following You) – AllTwitter
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