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Tweets from 2011-06-03

  • Taking a small, elite task force into Florence today. Target: lovely, photographable stuff! #
  • Battistero San Giovanni lovely, plus great Last Judgment with Munching Devil mosaic on ceiling. Zany yet terrifying! #
  • Museo dell'Opera del Duomo full of cathedral art actually removed fr cathedral and replaced by replicas. And no crowds! #
  • Is Gelateria dei Neri actually the best gelato in Florence? Difficult to argue no, but believe it will require more intense research. #
  • On a very warm train waiting to start heading back to Montecatini. Picked up some decent swag for K & M at Duomo museum store. #
  • Faboo wedding videos up on YouTube and look great, aside from the fact that nobody can access the playlist. Will have to fix this evening. #
  • RT @meoswell: Afternoon trip to Florence very nice-saw Duomo Museum, Bargello museum, gold on the Ponte Vecchio and, of course, gelato. #
  • Moved to rail car with a/c. This is improving the ride aboit a zillion percent. #
  • Just had a conductor check ticket for 1st time since we got to Italy. And she didn't feel compelled to wear gun, badge. How civilized. #
  • Disaster! Post-train shopping stymied by so-called "national holiday" early grocer closures. Running low on prosecco, olive oil, wine, eek! #
  • Google Logo: Festa della Repubblica – Italy 2011 Republic Day! Link #
  • One last day of madcap touring … wine tasting … walled towns … massive dinners … today. Sono molto triste … #
33 view(s)  

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