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Unblogged Bits (Fri. 17-Jun-11 1730)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. After David Koch Leaves NIH Board, NIH Hands Down Long-Delayed Classification Of Top Koch Pollutant As A Carcinogen | ThinkProgress
  2. New Hampshire’s GOP Budget: Low Cigarette Taxes More Important Than Education, Health Care: Guest Blogger
  3. Wisconsin Planned Parenthood Next Target in GOP Attack – “The Hyde Amendment may have prevented any taxpayers from paying for abortion services since the 1970s, Planned Parenthood may only spend less than three percent of its budget on abortions and hundreds of thousands of patients may depend on these clinics for their health needs, but conservatives will stop at nothing to have a pro-life talking point for their next campaign.”
  4. Fox’s Greta Van Susteren: GOP needs to explain “why they give Vitter a pass” | ThinkProgress – Greta’s a hack, but it’s interesting that she and O’Reilly both have picked up on this.
  5. U.S. Life Expectancy Lags Behind Most Industrialized Nations [Health] – Best Health Care In The World (if you can afford any of it)!
  6. Bovine Breakout – And in the morning there was a spider-web over her head that said “SOME COW!”. (Good stuff after 1:10 on the video.)
  7. Ten Reasons Why BlackBerry Is Screwed – Gizmodo – RIM is the Palm of the decade — a once mighty trend-setter and market giant that sat on its laurels way, way too long, convinced it was in an unassailable position.
  8. As Richest Pay Lowest Taxes In A Generation, Bachmann Would End Income Tax For 23,000 Millionaires – “Although it is impossible to surmise their exact intentions, it appears that Bachmann’s campaign is operating under the notion that the rich in America don’t have it good enough and that expanding the deficit is not a problem — as long as you’re continuing to cut taxes for the richest Americans.”
  9. Paul Ryan And His Family To Benefit From The $45 Billion In Subsidies For Big Oil In His Budget – Best government money can buy!
  10. Kid Gets School Ban On Pokémon Overturned [Justice For All] – That rocks.
  11. Watch two guys run wild in an empty airport [Video] – Usually by the time I’m stuck at an airport, I’m too exhausted to do much of anything …
  12. Bill O’Reilly: ‘I Don’t Think Vitter Should Be There. Absolutely Not’ | ThinkProgress – Give the man credit. Now, that said, I don’t think either man “sinned” enough to be forced out of office — that’s up to their constituents to decide. But if Weiner’s going to be hounded out for his conduct, the GOP’s welcoming embrace of Vitter is appallingly hypocritical.
  13. YouTube – HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS: PART II FINAL TRAILER – Holy freakin’ crap. I so much want to see this movie.
  14. Escape to the Movies : Green Lantern – Well, that just freed up a couple of hours of my life. Unfortunately.
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