This is … interesting.
The movie is John Carter (once called John Carter of Mars, and based on the book A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs). Having re-read its pulpy goodness earlier this year, this trailer is interested in what it’s not. It’s not a quick-cut, action-slam-packed, pulpy quasi-Conan.
Instead, it’s got some thoughtfulness, some beauty, some strangeness. That may have to do, in part, with where they are in the CG process (the movie doesn’t open until next March), but regardless, it’s surprising. And it looks good.
I’m cautiously optimistic.
Yepper, I was impressed by what was shown in the trailer. To me everything seems to look *right*.
My cousin worked sound for the production last summer and this in Moab, UT. Very inhospitable.
@BD – Well, except Dejah Thoris seemed to be wearing a bit too much, of course.
@Mary – Yeah, it looked like that part of the country. Which should be just right.