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Unblogged Bits (Sun. 17-Jul-11 1730)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. ‘Carmaggedon’ Not Really That Big a Deal, Actually – Not surprising. People are a lot more adaptable, when required to be, than they think they are.
  2. AMERICAblog News: Murdoch cuts off Fox News anchor who asks about News of the World scandal, anchor complies – Honest journalism at its best. Can’t question the boss, after all.
  3. Manufacturing deficit fear | Dean Baker | Comment is free |
  4. Why the Wealthy Need the Welfare State – “The Gilded Age plutocrats who first acceded to a social welfare system and state regulations did not do so from the goodness of their hearts. They did so because the alternatives seemed so much more terrifying.” The ones of this age might consider just that.
  5. Where Exactly Have the Mainline Churches Been for the Last Forty Years? – I’ve seen a lot of the above in the Episcopal Church as I’ve belonged to it for the last 15 years (and learned about its past before that). And, yes, I see a number of positive signs that the church is beginning to address the problems described.
  6. Harry Potter: the anti-geek – That’s an interesting analysis — and one that rings true (though there’s more to the story than just that).
  7. Chief Rabbi: Equality laws leading to new Mayflower exodus – Telegraph – I’m bitterly glad to see the nonsense of “If I’m not allowed to discriminate against others, then I’m being discriminated against” isn’t restricted to this side of the Atlantic.
  8. Warren Buffett: I could end the deficit in 5 minutes. – That would certainly end it — but it begs the more important issues of (a) when it should be ended and (b) how to do so. Which are the real sticking points.
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