Three time’s a charm, and perhaps even a habit. I got my new comic book reviews podcast done up today, and within spitting distance of my 15 minute target. I’ll be following up after I post this to see if all the RSS and iTunes subscription options are working. As always, this podcast is also visible on its own page under the Podcasts tab at the top of the blog. The player on this post is at the bottom of the post.
Comics for this week:
I’m continuing to work on the podcast process, both becoming familiar with Audacity and how to line up the music at the beginning and end of the cast, as well as sound levels and all that, and with how I script things. The prep work for the podcast is taking me longer than I’d expected. I eventually think I should be able to ad lib things, but for the moment, I’m doing detailed outlining of what I want to say about each ish — which, really, almost makes me wonder why I’m not actually doing blog posts about them. 🙂
The post-processing, too, is taking a bit of time — grabbing and uploading and properly formatting the images. That can be made a scosh more time-efficient, but not a lot.
One thing I have noticed about doing the podcast is that it has me focusing more on the comics I read each week, with a critical eye, and gets them read more quickly.
Working on process.
The Wonder Woman redo started off great, but has kinda floundered for the past several months.
Black Sad looks great.
The WW redo would have been a great shorter arc — keep the action going, rather than a lot of the talkytalky and wandering and unimportant bits. It’s not been wrapped up well, either.
Blacksad is sitting on the entrance table, awaiting borrowing …