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Unblogged Bits (Mon. 15-Aug-11 1130)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Ron Paul Breaks With Mitt Romney: ‘People Are Individuals…Not Companies’ | ThinkProgress – Paul varies from nutty to profound, but he’s never one to leap on a bandwagon, which is why I think folks admire him.
  2. Pornography and National Security « Public Discourse – I seriously doubt that porn leads to terror, as is repeated hinted at (even if formally disclaimed) by the writer. Rather, I’d suggest that a mindset so willing to overthrow other cultural norms through mass murder of innocents is more likely to similarly turn to porn, esp. of a brutal sort. On the other hand, I’m sure that the sort of porn found on various hard drives is being analyzed by national intelligence types as a possible way to track down other terrorists.
  3. The Ten Weirdest Ideas In Rick Perry’s “Fed Up” | ThinkProgress – I certainly hope these are questions that journlists are asking him in the coming weeks. I’m sure they’re positions that will play well with the GOP fringe base, but not something he’ll welcome discussing for the general election.
  4. Rick Perry’s Plan For Higher Taxes On The Retired And Disabled | ThinkProgress – Well, we have to do something about the parasites!
  5. A Fox News Science Lesson | Media Matters for America – Why, yes, that is an oxymoron.
  6. Google to buy Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion – The Denver Post – Innnnteresting. Investing in a hardware platform makes sense on one level, but it places Google in competition with other Android hardware makers, too, which is likely to ruffle some feathers.
  7. The Best Word Book Ever. 1963 and 1991 – Interesting, amusing (and mostly quite reasonable). We had various Richard Scarry books for Kay back in the day (Margie grew up with them), and I think we had some comparison volumes like this.
  8. Daily Kos: The myth of the job creator – Major businesses aren’t not creating jobs because their taxes are so high. They aren’t creating jobs because demand is flat because people don’t have jobs and don’t have money to spend. If they thought they could make money producing more stuff (through hiring more people), they would do so, even if that profit were being taxed. (I do find the new euphemism “job creator” for “rich” to be amusing — it calls to mind a new feudalistic mindset, swearing fealty to our protectors.)
  9. Download Mozilla Firefox 6 Final For Windows And Mac Now – I’m currently using Chrome on both my machines, but Margie is using FF, so we’ll see how it works for her.
  10. Why Is Rick Perry the Poster Boy for Limited Government? – ” A state government has no more awesome, complete, or solemn power than the power to execute its own citizens. If you’re going to claim to loathe big government, this is one area where you ought to be more skeptical of government than any other.”
  11. Use Tone Check To Keep Your Emails Friendly & Free of Rudeness – An interesting idea. No idea how well it actually works, but it would be fun to play with.
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