Now with more comics reviewed than ever before! Yes, 17 comics in 16 minutes 40 seconds. Zowee!
This week’s podcast features a look at some farewell issues of DC comics (before the DCnU reboot in a few weeks), some Fear Itself, plus the Worst Comic of the Week, the Best, and some “Cleopatra in Spaaaace!” action.
I tried something new this week, and instead of spending a bunch of time scripting stuff up before the podcast, I put sticky notes on the comic covers and wrote up my impressions post-reading. It worked okay, except for my awful handwriting and the poor interaction between sticky note stuckum and the covers. I’ll continue to refine my methodology.
Many thanks once again to my family for their support of this and for making room for me to do it.
“…and I’m not afraid to use them.” Ha! A laugh-out-loud line!
Just dropping a line to let you know I’m enjoying these quite a bit – plus, they’ve been perfectly work safe, so I can listen to them during slow spots. Only question now – when are you going to do a mega-size special issue? [grinning]
He may have to save that for the ***Dave Does the Comics Annual. Although he could put out a Giant-Size ***Dave Does the Comics, I suppose.
Another good podcast.
@Avo – I actually used that line in my opening podcast, too. Glad you enjoyed it.
@Fierce – Glad you’re liking them, too. Not getting a lot of feedback. Supposed I should poke around to see what the reads and subscription numbers look like.
No plans for a Giant-Size ***Dave-Thing episode right now, but who knows?
@BD – Thanks!
That line was used before? How did I miss it? One of the pitfalls of listening to podcasts in the car, I suppose. I cannot devote my full attention to them.
This was the issue most applicable to me. Lots of super-heroey titles this time. Whee!
Hey, maybe instead of saying “Excelsior” at the end of the show, you could close with “Packing Peanuts!”