- Week Without Margie, Night 2 Movie Watch: “Back to the Future I” and “Sneakers” #tioomanysecrets #greatscott #
- There will be no pants to stop us this time! #replacestarwarsquotewithpants #
- And there’s another Stupid Evil Podcast in the can. I’ll mirror it once Les gets it posted. Always a fun time. #
- Away put your pants, I mean you no harm! #replacestarwarsquotewithpants #
- Pants! A Jedi craves not these things! #replacestarwarsquotewithpants #
- The pants … remember your failure in the pants … #replacestarwarsquotewithpants #
- Look at me! Judge me by my pants, do you? #replacestarwarsquotewithpants #
- Pants accepted, Capt. Needa. #replacestarwarsquotewithpants #
- Search your pants. You know it to be true. #replacestarwarsquotewithpants #
- Week Without Margie, Night 2 Movie Watch: “Howard the Duck” and “Empire Strikes Back.” Very Lea/Leia weekend so far. #
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