Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Koch Bros now worth $50 billion, up by $15 billion since March 2010 – Whew! Good to see the American Way works!
- “My bill is very simple, I just null and void any regulations passed in the last 20 years.” – Dolt.
- Cracking down on job-candidate credit checks – I suspect that the HR departments using this are being directed to come up with “objective” measures to qualify employees to reduce the always-risky process of hiring people. Which is an arguable proposition, but you’d at least want to be sure that the objective measure was useful, wouldn’t you?
- New Study Touts Success of “Praying Away the Gay” | Religion Dispatches – “Simply because one person, motivated by their religious belief that they will burn in hell if they remain gay, has had some success in changing, or suppressing, their orientation, does not mean that it is the path meant for everyone. There are plenty of people living healthy, happy, and yes, God-blessed lives, as gay, lesbian, bisexual and even transgender people (and as Christians!). They have a story to tell as well, and their story must also be respected if those who tout ‘ex-gay’ ministries expect theirs to be respected.”
- Probe: Wis. clerk likely violated law in election – Neither a surprise that the law was violated, nor that the state investigators have declined to press charges.
- National Coffee Day: Celebrate with a free cup of joe – BlogPost – The Washington Post – Working from home today, so I guess I’ll just have to brew another pot myself. 🙂
- Romney to Share Stage with Bryan Fischer; PFAW Urges Candidates to Denounce Bigotry | People For the American Way – Mitt could win the hearts and minds of a lot of folks in the center (or beyond) if he did this. Unfortunately, I suspect his focus is just on the primaries, and his focus is too much on the zany GOP Fischer-loving doltish base.
- President Obama has been a disaster for civil liberties – – The irony is that, in theory, the conservatives of the Tea Party ought to be even stricter defenders of civil liberties, with their “Don’t Tread on Me” flags and all. But they’ve been co-opted by the fearmongers even more, and think that calls for civil liberty protections are all about coddling the Muslim terrorists and illegal aliens and abortionists and gays. Their only voicing of civil liberty concerns are zany conspiracy theories about Obama and ACORN brownshirts coming to take their guns. And so the issue falls silent from both sides.
- Why Apple is ready to kill off the iPod classic – Hrm. I like the idea of a portable repository of all my music that isn’t dependent on the cloud, or cloud connectivity, or cloud-owner control.
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