Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Petition to Google: don’t kill Google Reader – I like that the petition is being done through Google Docs.
- Wherein I try to explain why Google Reader is the best social network created so far « Here is a thing. – The writer isn’t completely accurate about some of the limits of Plus, and is certainly more vested in their Reader community than I am … but the point that not all communities need or want to interact in the same way, or that folks may belong to more than one community — or that bouncing between two Google sites might be less convenient than staying in the one that does the job for you. I can conceive of ways that the Reader / Plus link might more seamless (similar to how Reader comments and Buzz and email have become), but I don’t see that happening from the start, if at all.
- The Unsocial Network: Why Google Is Wrong to Kill Off Google Reader – Forbes – Note: Google Reader is not being “killed off.” It will still (for the nonce) remain as a fine RSS reader. But it is getting a large chunk of its utility amputated in favor of a less-perfect prosthetic. I will still be able to read the wide array of sites I do now — but I won’t be able to share the things I think are worth sharing, nor see what others I follow deem worthy of sharing. I’ll be able to do so, maybe, in Plus, but much less conveniently (a page of partial-text/illustrated Plus posts is a lot less convenient than a lengthy title list of posts that I can skim through quickly. Plus is certainly prettier, and even arguably better for casual browsing, but not for a full-blown information exchange. As things stand, I’ll still be using Reader, but it will be less convenient and less informative than it is now.
- Western Digital buys Hitachi, Seagate buys Samsung – “Will having only two major makers of hard drives make it easier to raise prices?” Um … duh?
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