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Unblogged Bits (Sat. 22-Oct-11 1730)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Petition to Google: don’t kill Google Reader – I like that the petition is being done through Google Docs.
  2. Wherein I try to explain why Google Reader is the best social network created so far « Here is a thing. – The writer isn’t completely accurate about some of the limits of Plus, and is certainly more vested in their Reader community than I am … but the point that not all communities need or want to interact in the same way, or that folks may belong to more than one community — or that bouncing between two Google sites might be less convenient than staying in the one that does the job for you. I can conceive of ways that the Reader / Plus link might more seamless (similar to how Reader comments and Buzz and email have become), but I don’t see that happening from the start, if at all.
  3. The Unsocial Network: Why Google Is Wrong to Kill Off Google Reader – Forbes – Note: Google Reader is not being “killed off.” It will still (for the nonce) remain as a fine RSS reader. But it is getting a large chunk of its utility amputated in favor of a less-perfect prosthetic. I will still be able to read the wide array of sites I do now — but I won’t be able to share the things I think are worth sharing, nor see what others I follow deem worthy of sharing. I’ll be able to do so, maybe, in Plus, but much less conveniently (a page of partial-text/illustrated Plus posts is a lot less convenient than a lengthy title list of posts that I can skim through quickly. Plus is certainly prettier, and even arguably better for casual browsing, but not for a full-blown information exchange. As things stand, I’ll still be using Reader, but it will be less convenient and less informative than it is now.
  4. Western Digital buys Hitachi, Seagate buys Samsung – “Will having only two major makers of hard drives make it easier to raise prices?” Um … duh?
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