When a chamber of Congress passes a "non-binding resolution" on a 396-9, it's usually a good indication that it's a Mom & Apple Pie kind of thing. And that the GOP House felt they needed to take the time to speechify on such a resolution about "In God We Trust" makes it clearly a Mom & Apple Pie with Machine Guns kind of election season folderol. "Vote for this or get accused of being commie / socialist / liberal / atheist scum"-style electoral politics.
Have to wonder about the 9 who voted against.
To my mind, "E Pluribus Unum" not only has a much better claim to being our founding national motto, but is much more meaningful as a national statement. Indeed, the only people it excludes are the States Rights, who've always preferred the "Pluribus" to the "Unum".
I trust in God, in a variety of ways, but I don't need everyone chanting it in unison beside me, or to have it engraved in public buildings or on money (!) as a reminder.
Embedded Link
House reaffirms 'In God We Trust' as US motto | AP | 11/02/2011
The House on Tuesday passed a non-binding resolution reaffirming "In God We Trust" as the national motto.
AU's post on the matter: http://www.au.org/blogs/wall-of-separation/in-politically-motivated-piety-they-trust-us-house-approves-motto
They include the No votes: Reps. Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.), Justin Amash (R-Mich.), Judy Chu (D-Calif.), Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.), Mike Honda (D-Calif.), Hank Johnson (D-Ga.), Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), Bobby Scott (D-Va.) and Pete Stark (D-Calif.)
The lone Republican nay-sayer's comment is interesting: “The fear that unless ‘In God We Trust’ is displayed throughout the government, Americans will somehow lose their faith in God, is a dim view of the profound religious convictions many citizens have. The faith that inspired many of the Founders of this country – the faith I practice – is stronger than that. Trying to score political points with unnecessary resolutions should not be Congress's priority.”
And it cost a quarter-million dollars of Congresscritter salary to do. Charming. http://www.rollcall.com/news/house_passes_in_god_we_trust_measure-209949-1.html
I’ve just written to ask Mike Honda (my rep) why he voted no. Yes, I noticed the Nays were primarily from Dems., and abstentions from mostly GOP. I do wonder why the truly amazing Jackie Speier abstained–she was indeed present.
I owe Boehner and McConnell some scathing epistles.