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Words Fail Me

To summarize Dr. Keith Ablow of Fox News: Gingrich will make a great president because women keep wanting to marry him, even after he's proven he's a cheating scumbag. No, really.

Yeesh. #ddtb

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Newt Gingrich's three marriages mean he might make a strong president — really
Newt Gingrich's second wife Marianne revealed Thursday to ABC News that her former husband wanted an open marriage. But here's my take — when three women want to sign on for life with a man who is no…

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11 thoughts on “Words Fail Me”

  1. I really wish Newt would just go away. I mean, to be "appalled" by being asked about a comment from an ex-wife and blame the media for the bitterness in current political discourse (and citing the very act of asking the question as evidence of that) is, well, appalling.

  2. So, here’s what one interested in making America stronger can reasonably conclude—psychologically—from Mr. Gingrich’s behavior during his three marriages:
    1) Three women have met Mr. Gingrich and been so moved by his emotional energy and intellect that they decided they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with him.

    How does he conclude that? Couldn’t it possibly be Gingrich’s money and power that attracted them, or something else? For a guy who claims he’s trying to be “coldly analytical,” he’s making some pretty big assumptions.

    I agree that Gingrich’s behavior “does not mean that Mr. Gingrich would be unfaithful to the United States of America or the Constitution of the United States.” It does, however, mean that he’s a hypocrite, and I do not trust hypocrites.

  3. Perhaps at the next debate blowing a kiss to his gay illegal alien pool boy lover, Julio, for whom he's divorcing Calista. Nah, even that he'd find defenders for ("Gingrich brilliantly finesses away the gay and Latino constituencies from Obama!").

  4. Substitute "Clinton" for "Gingrich," "affair" for "marriage," and "1992" for "2012." Now imagine Fox running that story.

    Maybe a heterosexual woman can explain it, but I don't see the attraction here. While both Clinton and Gingrich are intelligent, Clinton has a charisma that I just don't see in Gingrich.

  5. Republicans voting for Newt for president isn’t shocking because it shows Gingrich to be a hypocrite on marital fidelity and sex, and other moral matters. It’s a problem because it reveals the Republican voters themselves to be hypocrites on those issues and more.

    But we knew that, didn’t we? It’s a power grab, it’s a revenge vote, thought necessary only to get that Black Man with the Funny Name out of the White House. Republican love of country knows limits, but Republican hatred of Democrats and the American People is unlimited; Republican policy toward America is, now officially, Dick Tuck’s election-night concession statement: “The people have spoken — the bastards!” And true to Dick Nixon’s rat-f***ing team’s slogan, Republicans now promise ‘not to get mad, but to get even.’

    Wise and thoughtful Americans should ponder whether they are on the list of people Republicans plan to “get even” with.

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