So though there was all sorts of kerfuffle this week on the Right defending the value and worth and high prestige and great respect that the GOP gives to women who stay home to raise their children … Mitt back in January was arguing that mothers on welfare should receive child care assistance so they can, as a condition of getting welfare, take on an outside job and "have the dignity of work."
Perhaps Ann can arrange some small "dignity" loans to poor mothers, too. #ddtb
Reshared post from +George Wiman
I would love to hear the conversation after he got home from that one. After all, Ann Romney has never held a job, so she's apparently never known "the dignity of work". And she's never felt the pressure of bills vs rent or food. Neither of them have any clue whatsoever.
Also, say goodbye to support from low-income home schoolers.
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Mitt Romney: Mothers Should Be Required To Work Outside Home Or Lose Benefits
WASHINGTON — Poor women who stay at home to raise their children should be given federal assistance for child care so that they can enter the job market and "have the dignity of work," Mitt Romney sa…
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