It's the #15thingsaboutme meme, curated by +stephanie wanamaker:
1. I am much more of an introvert than it seems, and than is healthy for me. I compensate well, and am very good at public speaking, but settings full of strangers (or even light acquaintances) suck the energy out of me like a plug pulled from a bathtub.
2. Coke, not Pepsi. Coke Zero, not Diet Coke. But I'm flexible.
3. It took me maybe a dozen tries to get into Lord of the Rings, which I'd received as a gift from my grandparents. I just couldn't get past all the Shire twee-ness. Finally my two best friends in HS plowed through it, talked non-stop about it, and that was enough to get me going (and become an obsessive fan myself).
4. Though my career is in computer science, I was actually a History major in college, with my senior thesis done on Desiderius Erasmus.
5. Raw tomatoes make me nauseous. Tomato sauce, salsa, etc., are all favorites of mine.
6. I collect quotations, and even have a website on it ( where I do a pretty decent job of loading up 5 quotations a day.
7. I played the viola as a kid, stopping after junior high. Part of me wishes I'd continued, and a big part of me is jealous at my daughter who's learning guitar.
8. I was raised Catholic and am now Episcopalian. Some of my theological beliefs would probably get me burned at the stake if I chose the wrong century to live in.
9. I have a hard time letting go of past embarrassments, which can still make me cringe years/decades after the fact (even if nobody else remembers them).
10. I tend to trust people, and assume they'll behave in a mature / civil fashion. Which actually works out well most of the time.
11. Cookies, M&Ms, any sweet that's in a small, convenient package for eating is my bane. I won't nearly as easily dive into cake or ice cream or pie or anything that requires carving out and serving up.
12. I was heavily into tabletop wargaming (the kind with hex sheets and cardboard counters, not the type with figurines) when I was in junior high and high school. As a result, I still have a lot of military trivia floating around my head, esp. regarding WWII.
13. I'm horrible with names. Rather, I'm good at remember names, just not the faces to whom they belong.
14. I've had glasses since the 1st grade. My mom finally got tired of telling me to sit further away from the TV and asked me why I kept doing it. "Because I can't see from back there …" Never occurred to me I should be able to.
15. My first job on a payroll was at Burger King, where I worked a number of summer and spring breaks while in college. I actually enjoyed it — finite tasks, working against the clock, immediate feedback from customers. It also made me appreciate fast food workers a lot — and hold them to higher standards, too.
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+Dave Hill
Have you ever read the Ender's Game quartet?
number 2 ,5 and 14 for me +Dave Hill
I've not, +Chris Ruhs. I've had it recommended to me, but it never sounded like a book series that would appeal to me.
I wanted to live in the Shire, but the descriptions of battle bore me, and I skip right over them. Fortunately, I saw last two LOTR movies on DVD, so I could fast forward.
Re: #8 That would be true for most Episcopalians. I know, being one myself. If some people had there way…it could still happen.
THEIR way….argh. Preview is my friend, and I should use it more often.
Thanks for sharing number 9 Dave. It applies to me too, and I've never known whether or not anyone else shared it.
I have it to a ridiculous degree (i.e., over ridiculous stuff, too ridiculous to even discuss), and it does create a physical reaction when it comes to mind. So, no, you're not alone +David Newman