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Miffy to the rescue!

When we did our Italy trip a year-and-change back, I rented a Global MiFi from Xcom, which made everyone on the trip (well, those of us with mobile phones, etc.) very happy. We dubbed it "Miffy" — "Dave, is Miffy turned on?"

I've been looking at connectivity on my upcoming India trip.  The hotels I'm at have WiFi (rate unknown), but the offices I'm visiting don't.  I'd been looking at voice/data roaming for my smartphone, but was very worried about the data costs (and, yes, this is all expensable to the company, but since it goes into my departmental budget and still needs to be approved by my boss, I'd just as soon not blow a big chunk of money for the cause).

This afternoon, it occurred to me that maybe I should take my tablet instead of my laptop — with the keyboard I can do notes and email and all that good stuff, and it saves on lugging space and weight significantly — but that's completely WiFi dependent.  And I believe I'll have a few moments of downtime within the office to be doing stuff.

(This has been one of those weird trips where I'm having to make most of the plans, but am also constrained by some holidays that week.  So while it seems like I'm there a really short time — three days in the offices I'm visiting — I'm either going to be completely swamped or else spending a lot of time watching the paint peel. What I'm not doing is any touring, largely because I'd rather not on my own under the circumstances. But I digress …)

Last night I did a search for "mifi india rental" and got the Cellular Abroad page, which was disheartening, as I would have to rent the unit at $70 for the week plus buy $60 chunks of airtime … at a cost of $15/Mb in India.  Ugh.

This afternoon, I remembered that I had actually rented Miffy from Xcom.  And from Xcom, for $90 (which includes shipping both directions) I get unlimited data in India.

Yeah, I'm willing to put that on the expense report.

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Xcom Global's MiFi rental service: why you shouldn't leave the US without one
The goal here was to utilize Xcom Global's MiFi rental service to stay connected and work while traveling. The trip? Four days in England, followed

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