People are going to buy Windows 8 for one of two reasons:
1. One or more features that provide an anticipated advantage to one's computing experience.
2. It comes pre-installed on the new PC one buys.
But Windows is not MacOS. It's not going to be some sort of Messaianic Experience, an Existential Validation of One's Intrinsic Merit. People are not going to invest in a version of Windows because it's cool.
No matter what Microsoft thinks in this commercial.
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Ironic that it will in fact come pre-installed on desktop-based non-touch systems for which it was NOT designed.
Call over the friendly neighborhood Linux guy, get an OS that actually works for your setup 😀
Errrhmigod! Windows 8!
I just had a horrible thought; it will become popular as porn software developers do something with the advanced touch interface. It’ll be the next Angry Birds, only…
@George – Oh, I’m sure there are already porn-related touch interface systems for tablets.
DH buys Windows because he knows how to fix the machines. He doesn't know anything about a Mac so he refuses to buy something he can't fix himself.
Actually, there's some pretty cool stuff in Windows 8 that I would buy it for if it weren't for that damnable Metro UI being forced on us. It really requires a touch screen to work smoothly and I'm not going to buy a touch screen monitor for my desktop because A) they're still too expensive and B) I don't want fingerprints all over my damned monitor. With any luck they'll get enough complaints that the first Service Pack will stick the Start Menu back in and relegate Metro to use on tablets where it belongs.
That said, I am tempted to buy a Microsoft Surface with Windows 8 as my choice of tablet. While I think Android is a decent enough phone OS, the problems I've had with every damn app wanting to be on my phone's internal memory and not the SD card makes me leery of choosing it for my tablet OS.
Yeah, it sounds like the biggest issue with Win8 is the UI. Have to wonder if they will finally be pressured into doing something about that.
Well, the issues are probably going to be small by SP1, non-existent by SP2. It's not like you're in a hurry is it?