How the heck did I manage to schedule three of the four Saturdays of November, National Novel Writing Month, with events that I cannot (and don't want to) miss, thus meaning I'll be missing three of the local Tattered Cover Write-Ins, which is where I've gotten a substantial amount of my NaNo work done in the past few years?
I call it a conspiracy by sinister forces. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
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I blame the
Republicans,Democrats,Third Party guy, er….someone!! A couple hundred extra words a week should give you a "free day" cushion.Last year, I started out 'over writing' so I had some wiggle room near the middle of the month. Worked decently, I might add.
I had the opposite problem, and was only saved by the many extra words the write-ins gave me. Ugh.