I still find my Windows-based Asus Eee to be a great tool for NaNoWriMo write-ins — highly portable, WiFi-equipped, great battery life, and capable of running the yWriter software I use on my "real" machines.
But aside from that one month a year, it hardly gets any workout. I have a "real" computer at home, at work, and when I am going some where else, I have either my smartphone or Bluetooth-keyboard-equipped Android tablet.
Netbooks provided Windows platforms with a real keyboard and long battery life. That was just not a large enough ecological niche to survive in.
(h/t +John E. Bredehoft)
Reshared post from +Kevin Nunez
RIP Netbooks.
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Sayonara, netbooks: Asus (and the rest) won’t make any more in 2013
A five-year lifespan turned out to be all that netbooks got. Acer and Asus are stopping manufacture from 1 January 2013 – ending what once looked like the future of computing
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That's a shame. I meant to buy one for the longest time, but never got around to it.
When I'm not at work, my Windows 7 netbook is a constant companion. As a typist, I'm not fond of tablets. My next upgrade will be a small form factor laptop.
Yeah. Tablets will do a lot, but I need a keyboard to really work.
I picked up a Bluetooth one that does okay with my Galaxy Tab, but it's still not quite the same.
We got three netbooks from Dell 2? 3? years ago. One has died, the second is gasping, the third is (knock wood) O.K.
Not sure what we’ll do for replacements. We have bought a new desktop and a new laptop in the past year, so maybe a second laptop. The amount of use (between school work and my wife’s “split shifts” at home in new editing) is heavy enough that a laptop will be better than the netbook or tablet.
I still don’t know the difference between a netbook and a laptop.