Dave Hill’s ★★★★ review of Star Trek (2009) on Letterboxd.com
Despite plot holes one could drive a Romulan mining ship through, previous knowledge that it would be profoundly helpful to know, and coincidental / forced encounters as fanboy service, there’s just so damned fun in this reboot of the franchise that it’s hard to complain … especially when the characters are so in line with the originals. Well done.
Movie Review: "Star Trek" (2009)
Watched it with the daughter and the 'rents for the first time (pre-requisite for the one currently out). Generally speaking, everyone was quite pleased. (Original review at https://hill-kleerup.org/blog/2009/05/20/movie-review-star-trek-2009.html .)
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Spoiler free, or no? I haven't seen it yet 🙂
This review is for the first one of the rebooted series (2009). It is fundamentally spoiler-free.
Ah….that's what happens when I skim my stream. I have seen that one, I was thinking this was for the new one…
Well, it's an easy mistake to make, given the current context. Though I did try to plaster "2009" all over it … 😉