A ★★★★½ review of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
Despite my intent not to buy the first Blu-Ray release of the film (knowing that there are at least three or four further editions to come), I received a very nice Fathers Day gift of same, and was strongly encouraged to watch it. I stand by the below, and add only: 1. Martin Freeman is brilliant. Perfect. He is Bilbo. 2. On rewatch, all the non-canon foofoorah seems much of an annoyance. It’s Peter Jackson’s “Hobbit,” just as major director/prod…
Watching "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" again
A Fathers Day rewatch, expanding (slightly) on my original review (https://hill-kleerup.org/blog/2012/12/15/movie-review-the-hobbit-an-unexpected-journey-2012.html).
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As someone who couldn't get stay awake through the book, I enjoyed the heck out of the movie.
Usually, for me, it's the total opposite.
My only guess is that Martin Freeman did such a great job that I was really engaged in the story and his character.
It's almost wanted to make me pick up the book and give it another read.
Almost 🙂
I bloody love Martin Freeman and this movie.
I'm honestly not a huge fan of the book — the fairy tale feel of it turns me off.
But I love this movie, and Martin Freeman is a huge part of it.
I thought the movie was beautiful as far as costumes and scenery. However, I doubt that I will ever watch it again. If I hadn’t been watching it with my daughter, I would probably have turned it off after that business with Radagast and the stupid bunny sled. She had never read the book and therefore couldn’t understand why I kept saying, “What?? What’s that?” To be fair, I felt the same way about the LOTR movies. There are many movies made from books where I like both. Portrait of Jennie comes to mind, because I recently reread the book, and then watched the movie for the (muffled) time. There are some movies made from books, where I think the movie is better. I’m thinking of The Lady Vanishes (as opposed to the book The Wheel Spins) and Shrek — the book is cute, but the movie is just so enjoyable.
The movie The Hobbit is in neither of those categories for me.