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B5 Rewatch: 1×03 "Born to the Purple"

Another "meet the characters" ep, this one focused on Londo, in which we learn more (at a bit of a distance) about Centauri politics and power struggles, and the role of blackmail and black files.

It's a nice enough character piece in the A-plot, with Sinclair and G'kar flanking Londo in his tale in supporting roles. Londo's head-over-heels in love with a bar dancer, who seems to like him but is in reality part of a scheme to get to his family's secret information about the other Centauri houses. Fabiana Udenio as Adira, the femme not-so-fatale, plays her role well (and looks cute bald); Clive Revill as her master, Trakis, has problems chewing the scenery properly. Jurasik does a great job here with Londo, who, below the cynical ambassadorial veneer, is a really a huge romantic at heart.  That sentimentality, both light and dark, will come back to haunt him and the galaxy down the line.

The B-plot, about Garibaldi tracking down illegal use of the Gold Channel back to Earth, gives us some decent insights into both him and Ivanova, but still feels a bit contrived.

A C-plot, dealing with Centauri/Narn negotiations, is amusing but noteworthy mostly mostly for Vir jokes and as the sole appearance of G'kar's attache, Ko D'Ath (who does a fine job, but apparently couldn't handle the makeup).

Most dramatic moment: Londo saying goodbye to Adira. We're never going to see him as happy as he was with her ever again.

Most amusing moment: Vir and Ko D'Ath sit down to negotiate. Why do I suspect they'll end up with a better deal than Londo and G'kar would?

Most arc-ish moment: Not a whole lot, except as an intro to the Centauri politics that will eventually consume Londo.

Overall rating: 2/5.  Not a bad episode, but really nothing to distinguish it.

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Born to the Purple
Born to the Purple is an episode from the first season of Babylon 5, which is collectively…

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