I had a “skip month” this summer due to vacation schedules, though I did get a few text-based reviews in there. So we have a long podcast this time around.
The covers below are for the issues I gave individual reviews of; hover over the covers to see the ratings out of 5 stars (with an occasional added comment), and click to embiggen.

Subscription info for this podcast can be found here. See you back on (if all goes well) the weekend of September 28th!
I have not liked the Zola World story arc in Captain America. In fact, I’m a couple of issues behind. It may be interesting to see what impact this has on the character in the near future.
I usually don’t like it when they muck around with origin stories, but the tampering in Fantastic Four and Iron Man doesn’t seem to threaten continuity, so I’ll sit back and enjoy the stories.
I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying Superior Foes of Spider-Man. I figured you would since you like the current Hawkeye series. They have similar vibes.
DC keeps giving me reasons to congratulate myself on dropping all their titles. While there may be a few good books in the line-up, their current strategy almost ensures that the books will be ruined forthwith. Maybe DiDio owns a big chunk of Marvel stock?
I tried posting this in Google+, but it was not allowed. Incidentally, what does the #nb hashtag there refer to? I clicked it and it seems to be for New Brunswick in most cases.
As noted, I’ve not been a fan of the Zola World. It’s crazy and I admire what Remender is trying, but it just isn’t working for me. How it pans out for the character back in the real world … I have no idea.
Not sure why you couldn’t post the comment in Google+.
The #nb hashtag in G+ tells my WordPress Google+Blog plugin to Not Blog it. I use it when the original post is on my blog and I’m posting a “hey, come to my blog and read this” thing in G+ … which I don’t, in turn, want to be imported to my blog.
~mutters about Saga TPB #2 not being in pull box~
Was the Scarlet the second TPB?
HeroBear looks amusing.
AtomicRobo looks fun too.