New Letterboxd review, including my original blog review (
A ★½ review of Die Another Day (2002)
I won’t necessarily agree with my wife that this is, in fact, the worst Bond film ever. But I will say it’s … not good. (I, myself, had forgotten the details of this sad fiasco. Just that watching it filled me with a certain dread.) (Okay, going back to to my original review … it turns out that my wife HAD seen it, and had forgotten the experience. PTSD, perhaps.) Perhaps it’s the worst … or not good … at least as a whole. There are parts…
Bravery, sir. I did not know its name, and so I knew it was a dangerous, dangerous beast.
After this movie, I felt like Tim D. had bren given an incredibly short shrift after "License To Kill". "Living Daylights", and "Goldeneye" were both the premieres of the pre-MMA Fighter Bond, and are my two favorites. Showing it had much less to do with actor than production…
I would say they are my two favorites, too, +Tim White — balanced spectacle and drama and plot.
My main memory is of the jump cuts used during the car chase. To me, that's the sign of an inept director. I would urge Lee Tamahori to watch some Hitchcock films to learn what a camera is capable of and what editing is really for.