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B5 Rewatch: 2×10 "GROPOS"

After the WHAMfest that was "The Coming of Shadows," "GROPOS" couldn't possibly measure up. And it doesn't. But it's a decent enough episode, with some minor bits of continuity addition and the next-to-last writing job by Larry DiTillio .

The basic setting is that a military convoy descends on the station, bringing 25,000 Earth Alliance troops to stay, temporarily, on B5 (  EarthGov is trying to be an interstellar power, winning friends with a strategically-placed alien regime nearby B5 by helping them suppress a civil war.

The A-Plot is that the general overseeing this op (Paul Winfield is the father of our own Dr. Franklin. It's a rare opportunity to see Franklin being something other than self-righteousy compassionate and/or intelligent, as he and Dad butt heads in an age-old ritual ( Egged on by Ivanova (whose Dad died without a chance for her to reconcile with him), Franklin tries to get back with his Dad.  Egged on by Sheridan (who has more homely anecdotes about wise things his own father said), the general tries to get back with his son. Long-suppressed mutual respect acknowledged and man-hugs accomplished (, they go their separate ways.

The B-Plot has Garibaldi getting involved with one of the female GROPOs (Ground-Pounders — EA Space Marines), a soldier named Dodger (  Garibaldi, swept up by her passion (, suddenly starts worrying about all the mistakes he's made over time with rashly plunging into relationships, and pulls back to catch a breath, spill his guts about it, and promise treat her right ( Dodger kicks him in the emotional balls for spoiling her desire just to have a good time before shipping out, and bails out of the situation ( They finally straighten things out, more or less (, by the time she has to leave (, with promises about when she's back next. It's actually a a better story that it sounds — she's strong and independent and out for whirl; he's hesitant, concerned, and has horrible timing. Fun.

The C-Plot is about war itself (it's in the background, but it's the major theme for the episode). The general consults with Sheridan, who spent survey time on the planet in question and informs him that the assault on the rebel stronghold will not be easy. The general trusts his mean and all the new weapons they have (including an upgrade for B5's defense grid (, which will let them fight off a warship, if necessary … hmmmmm … ). There's lots of soldiers on leave, enjoying good times, hobnobbing (or getting into fist fights) with the Starfury pilots on the station (including Keffer (, who's been absent the past several episodes).  

That particular C-Plot ends in (well-telegraphed, heavy-handed, but still effective) tragedy — the B5 folks watch the news reports of the invasion and subsequent battle, and then read the casualty reports. The objective is taken, the general chats with reporters about the victory, and we learn that all the other soldiers we've met — including Keffer's new buds (, Garibaldi's Dodger (, and even the racist trouble-maker who causes problems for Delenn ( — are dead on the battlefield. War is hell. Fade to black.

Overall, it's a decent showing, with a chance for Franklin and Garibaldi to get some spotlight. It firmly establishes the tone that War Ain't Fun that will be carried along in the seasons to come (and serves as a splash of water in the face of folks who were so excited about seeing the Shadows carve up the Narn, or the Narn and Centauri ships have at it). It gives B5 a nice upgrade which will come in quite handy (given Earth's noted new saber-rattling and the xenophobic comments of General Franklin). And it gives us some breathing room before the main story arc bobs up again.

Most Dramatic Moment: The casualty list is passed around (
Most Amusing Moment: In a wry sense, Garibaldi breaking out of Dodger's eager arms to start telling her about how he's been so screwed up in relationships and how he's going to take his time this time and treat her right and with respect and … while she rolls her eyes and starts pulling on her jumpsuit again (
Most Arc-ish Moment: Besides the defense grid upgrade, or the discussion about Earth trying to establish itself strategically while the Narn and Centauri have at it, probably reaction of some of the GROPOs to Delenn ( So far, folks' reaction to her metamorphosis has been hesitant, confused, demurring in some cases, but generally studied. Suddenly, here are some folks who take it personally and quite negatively ( It's a reaction she's going to be dealing with in upcoming episodes, too.

Overall Rating:  3.0 / 5 — Likeable, with the heavy-handedness balanced by some moderately thoughtful character pieces.

Lurker’s Guide:
Babylon Project:
AV Club: (includes next episode).
Kay Shapiro:

Next episode is "All Alone in the Night," which gives is more Delenn trouble, an goofy Sheridan plot, another dream to give the fanboys discussion fodder, and a supporting character we'll be seeing more of.

#babylon5 #b5

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