Universalism remains highly controversial amongst more conservative Christians, though — it ain't Christianity for them if some folk aren't roasting in Hell for eternity — so I expect to see some interesting fire and brimstone in this article.
Instead, it just seems to be general gobsmacked wonderment that some folk — including some otherwise respectable Christian thinkers — seem to be going soft on damnation, as part and parcel of favoring gay marriage. And where, the author asks, does it end? I mean, does this mean that Jews might also be eventually accepted by God? Muslims? Heaven, even Buddhists and Atheists?
It's amusing, just because it's presented as so incomprehensible a notion that anyone in their right mind might believe in a God of universal love so great and powerful that even folks as off-kilter as myself and Michael Brown might actually eventually be joined in it. I mean, madness, right? All one need do is simply point it out and wait for the flabbergastment to commence!
Frankly, sounds like a fine idea to me. Maybe Dr. Brown ought to give it some thought.
Universalism is next for the soft love crowd
Just watch and see – as churches and church leaders become more embracing of committed, homosexual couples, they will move further and further away from the preaching of future wrath and divine judgment, ultimately embracing universalism in one form or another.
A breakdown in one area of theology leads to a breakdown in another area of theology….
I hate to break this to him, but their have been breakdowns in areas of theology in the past. That should mean that all of theology has broken down now, shouldn't it? Unless he's, y' know… wrong.
After all, why would a loving God punish someone or judge someone when there's no hope of their redemption? Wouldn't that be utterly cruel?
Gosh, for his sake, I sure hope God punishes him long and hard. I'd hate to see him miss out on that redemption he prizes so much. Wouldn't that be cruel?
+Scott Randel There have been no breakdowns in the True Christian areas of theology. The True Faith has always been consistent, understandable, unchanging, and unbowed. We have always been at war with EastAsia.