The USAF has backed down on a change implemented last fall to the oath / affirmation for all airmen that required them to swear, "so help me God," even if they are atheists. The Air Force has been alone in applying that rule.
“We take any instance in which Airmen report concerns regarding religious freedom seriously,” said Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James. “We are making the appropriate adjustments to ensure our Airmen's rights are protected.”
After consultation with the Pentagon, they've realized that Article 6 and the First Amendment of the Constitution kind of make imposing a religious test on enlistees to be … well, a bit dubious.
In an earlier kerfuffle back at the Air Force Academy, it was pointed out that the oath that was sworn by troops under George Washington's command at Valley Forge didn't include any language about God:
'I, …, do acknowledge the United States of America to be Free, Independent, and Sovereign States, and declare that the people thereof owe no allegiance or obedience to George the Third, King of Great Britain; and I renounce, refute and abjure any allegiance or obedience to him; and I do swear that I will to the utmost of my power, support, maintain, and defend the said United States, against the said King George the Third, his heirs and successors, and his and their abettors, assistants and adherents; and will serve the said United States in the office of … which I now hold, with fidelity, according to the best of my skill and understanding.'
Glad to see the Air Force has chosen to side with those radicals of the Continental Congress.
Previous posts on the subject:
Lol I like the website name, that would be religious freedom provided that you believe in God then
+Gordon McIntosh No. The oath didn't reference any gods.
Ah sorry +Kee Hinckley I got that the wrong way around
+Gordon McIntosh I made the same mistake at first, and the read the details. I think it's because we just assume that old stuff is religious, but that obsession is actually more recent.
In his fake history book, Dave Barry noted that the Pilgrims had a great belief in Providence, despite the fact that this particular town in Rhode Island had not yet been established.
+John E. Bredehoft Um, Providence is a word…