The Supreme Court has declined to hear appeals against those federal circuit courts who have declared a ban on gay marriage to be unconstitutional. Which means the states covered in those circuits — including Colorado ( for more) have to abide by those circuit court decisions.
It's an oddly quiet way to resolve the matter, but perhaps a sign that it was an idea whose time had come. Congratulations to all the upcoming happy couples.
Colorado AG says all 64 clerks must issue same-sex marriage licenses
Colorado Attorney General John Suthers on Monday said all 64 county clerks must begin issuing same-sex marriage licenses after the U.S. Supreme Court decl
Just wish Michigan was one of the states covered by it.
+Les Jenkins It will be interesting to see how the rest of the dominoes fall. Other full circuit courts are less likely to buck something SCOTUS refused to review — and, even if they do, the flood of marriages already taking place would make it extraordinarily difficult for SCOTUS to suddenly rule against the circuit courts they just tacitly supported.