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Don't do the crime if you can't do the time (uh-huh, don't do it)

Dear Intelligence Community Heads and Conservative Congressfolk (and Fox News): maybe the time to consider whether torture and similar acts might cause violence if they come out is before you do them. Using how others might react as an excuse to keep the truth buried doesn't make things better.

(Note to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI): questioning why the Senate report has to be released if the Justice Department decided to file no charges is nonsensical. If no horrible crimes were committed, then why worry about the release? If the report might call into question the Justice Dept's actions, either the actions themselves or the testimony that fed them, isn't that a good thing?)

Bear in mind that this is a 480 page summary of a still-classified 6,000-page report. If the summary is going to cause problems, what does that say about the actions so summarized? Again, isn't that the sort of thing we should be thinking of before we do stuff?

US posts on alert over potential backlash from CIA report, lawmaker warns of ‘violence’
Foreign governments and U.S. intelligence agencies are predicting that the release of a Senate report examining the use of torture by the CIA will cause violence and deaths abroad, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee said Sunday.

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One thought on “Don't do the crime if you can't do the time (uh-huh, don't do it)”

  1. One interesting wrinkle, for those who believe that Dick Cheney was the Dr. Strangelove controlling everything:

    "CBS News reported Sunday that the report contains evidence that the CIA … lied to the White House, the Department of Justice and Congress about the effectiveness of the program."

    Which reminds me of an earlier episode with Feinstein. She didn't mind when details on the FISA court were withheld from the public, but when they were withheld from her, she got mad.

    Then again, we need to consider the massive outrage that occurred when Valerie Plame was outed as a CIA agent.

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