Yeah, there's Cory Gardner's name on the list, bold as brass.
I tried to send the following message off of his website. Oddly enough, it threw an error.
I am deeply disturbed that your were one of the co-signers of the open letter to the Iranian government essentially telling them to ignore any overtures by the President to negotiate a peaceful resolution to concerns over Iran's nuclear program. I remember when the rule was that political debate extended to the waterline, and there is certainly any number of ways that the US Senate can, if it desires, include itself in any sort of agreement between the US and Iran. By publicly acting in this fashion, however, you make US foreign policy out to be a simple extension of our internal political squabbles, and do far more damage to US reputation than any action the President is likely to pursue.
I find this action to be against the interests of the United States, and emblematic of the Republican effort to delegitimize a president that has won two elections. For shame.
Remind me again, Cory, how your candidacy was all about "jobs".
(A few notes. First, I'm not ready to use the word "traitor" in this context, but it's certainly, in my opinion, reprehensible behavior. Second, sabotaging foreign policy for political gain is hardly unprecedented by the GOP; consider Reagan's outreach to, yeah, Iran, about the hostage crisis to help seal the deal in the 1980 campaign against Carter.)
Originally shared by +Annette Cleary:
I wouldn't go so far as to call them traitors either, but there's at least one law they're probably guilty of violating.
Christ, both of mine. Fucking Kansas, man.
I think this could fall under "treason" . This action is a direct violation of allegiance. They all are sworn in aren't they?
+Olaf Meester I am certain they would argue that they are acting solely in the best interests of the United States, not out of allegiance to any other country. Their actions are counterproductive, to say the least, but that's hardly a treasonous crime for Congress.
+Dave Hill isn't that the argument of most traitors?
Doesn’t this also put them all in violation of the Logan Act?