And by piling up I mean that Ted Cruz is usually at enough of a reality disadvantage talking about stuff, but when he starts going off about climate change, he ventures way into cloud-cuckoo land.
And yet, there he is, in a leadership position in the Senate, pressuring NASA to stop looking so much at, y'know, Earth and what's going on there. And he thinks he could be our next president, too, which would be a barrel of laughs and/or tears.
Ted Cruz Goes Full Orwell
In case you haven’t heard, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is not a fan of reality. The reality of science, that is. He has a history of saying global warming–denying talking points and used some of his political power just this past week to pressure NASA into downplaying its role in…
Sadly, facts still do not matter to hardcore climate change deniers. It's really hard to undrink the Kool-Aid.