An old favorite from a bygone era of war movies. It works much better, though, if you don't know anything about the battle in question.
A ★★★ review of Battle of the Bulge (1965)
My dad was a big time WWII movie fan. And I’m talking here the big doughty-Yanks vs evil-Axis types of films, the sort that started getting made during the war itself, and then faded out when Viet Nam made gung ho war films a bit declasse. “Battle of the Bulge” is one I grew up watching repeatedly, even if it was one of the last of the bunch, coming out in the mid-60s. It’s got a stellar cast, a big budget, some great personal conflicts and comme…
My Dad was in that battle. He watched a lot of war movies and although he never talked much about the War (except to an Uncle who was a WWI vet), he said they showed how it should have been, but hardly ever how it really was.
A film hated by wargamers! 🙂
Yes, actual tanks would be difficult to come by, but was plywood mods out of budget? Other war movies managed it.
Also its surprising how the snowy Belgium Ardennes forest looks so much like a summer plain in Spain!
You could have watched “The Longest Day” (Fun fact – Major Howard is at one point seen talking to a Paratroop officer at Pegasus Bridge. Richard Todd, who played Howard, said that officer was in fact him)