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Waiting for Scott Walker

While it seems nigh-impossible that there are any prominent GOP politicians left to join the 2016 race, Walker is still pending, and is a leader in many polls.

While he's made national news mostly for his battles against public service unions (because union-busting is, of course, the American Way), he's spend the past few years in Wisconsin doing a lot more than that, including doing his darnedest to dismantle Wisconsin's environmental laws and get scientists out of agencies that deal with scientific matters.

Yeah, he should make a great candidate.

How Scott Walker Dismantled Wisconsin’s Environmental Legacy
As governor of Wisconsin, the likely Republican presidential nomination-seeker consistently dismissed science and sided with polluters

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46 thoughts on “Waiting for Scott Walker”

  1. because Walkers saved us from the teacher unions who plundered our finances making us buy teachers health insurance through the high price teachers union health plan. Walker is a hero.

  2. +Mark Hilgers Not that great. When the demons showed up asking me if I wanted to sell my soul and become a republican I sent them packing. You, of course, are a minion of Mammon. Just like Scott Walker.

    So what's your next version of "We've got money so fuck everybody else?" I need something to hang around your neck when we take you for a ride in the tumbrels.

  3. +Mark Hilgers Republican states are the poorest states in the U.S.. Wisconsin is on the downhill slide just like Kansas and Louisiana are after voting in ever more extreme republicans.

    What really happened in Wisconsin is that the Billionaire Koch brothers saturated the airwaves with racist fear mongering. You'll pay big time for believing that shit. Republicans don't know how to govern. Being repeatedly stupid isn't the same as being successful.

  4. Are we warming the planet so the ice melts
    is the ice melting thus warming the planet ?
    Before cars, the ice had melted from as far south as Iowa on up to northern Canada Already !

  5. +Viking Knight Ice melting both reflects warming and accelerates it (as it stops reflecting solar radiation).

    While climate is cyclical (so, yes, ice has been receding since the last Ice Age), human activities have apparently accelerated the process in this particular cycle.

  6. +Dave Hill That's the debate, that humans can change the weather by burning fuel, heating up the overall planets average temperature even by driving around the hot in cars all over the place, competing w/ oceans of cooler water kept cool by blocking the sun from H2O deeper in the sea, & evaporating water increase that w/ a warmer plant is more thus making more reflective louds to counter by reflecting away more sun & shading more areas, hmmm, seems gods design has some checks & balances.
    TY for your reply & input though 🙂

  7. You silly Liberals are shaking in your boots about the 2016 Election,……. just imagine a Republican Congress, Senate and White house, along with 35+ Republican State Governors with Republican state Legislators….you and Hilary are toast!

  8. +Steve Gutierrez Funny how the antarctic ice mass just keeps shrinking. The reason that antarctic sea ice grows in winter is because that's fresh water now. The grounded ice shelves are melting from below.

    You know global warming is happening but you continue to lie and deny it. You know you're lying too. Why is the republican ideology so pathetic that it can only be supported by an endless chain of lies?

  9. +Steve Gutierrez Arctic sea ice has been and continues to be on the decline (shrinking and thinning). Antarctic sea ice show some increases, but to a much lesser degree — and Antarctic land ice is suffering accelerating declines.

  10. +Steve Gutierrez Really? You're going to continue telling lies and pretending you're smarter than NASA, MIT, the AAAS, the Royal Society, and every national science academy on Earth? You're going to keep denying the basic physical properties of carbon dioxide that anybody can check for themselves?

    Just a little bit arrogant isn't that?

  11. For readers new to climate change trolls Popular Technology is not a legitimate science journal. It's a website run by right wing whackjobs that are trying to pretend to authority they don't have in the real world.

    You would be better off going to 4chan for your scientific information.

  12. +John Poteet Yeah, I noticed one of their headline stories was an expose of John "Stewart" (the quotations to indicate the huge secret that he changed his name on entering show biz). It's such a scandalous secret you have to go all the way to IMDb or Wikipedia to discover it.


  13. +John Poteet I went to MIT, many there are jackass Professors like Johnathan Grubber, PhD, who mock stupid liberals for believing most anything, the others, NASA, the AAAS, the Royal Society, East Anglia university and every national science academy have all been proven to fabricate data to support their claims to justify Grant money.
    If you have problems with CO2, then stop breathing, your polluting the planet!
    The scandal of fiddled global warming data
    Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation
    Climategate: Follow the Money
    Opinions of Climate Change: Related to Dependency on Government Money?
    Is it reading or comprehension that you have problems with?

  14. +Steve Gutierrez What happened? Did you have an auto accident? Was there a severe frontal lobe injury? You're telling me that you went to MIT and you can't understand the basic physics of CO2's radiation absorption spectrum?

    That's seventh grade science and you went to management school at MIT. You are out of field and completely unqualified to refute climate scientists. You're a desk barnacle who's willing to accept completely transparent lies to support your RWNJ political views.

    You're pathetic Steve. Climate change is real and the only people that refuse to accept that are english speaking conservatives that have been exposed to the propaganda of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. You've been sold a package of lies by the same people that paid Ronald Reagan to pretend that smoking cigarettes didn't cause lung cancer.

  15. +Richard Hunt I'll accept that he went to management school at MIT. That simply gives him no qualifications to refute a climate scientists. If people are going to accept his degree as valid he needs to honor other's area of expertise as well.

    I don't think he's stupid. I think he's a weasel.

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