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Mutants vs Inhumans! FIGHT!

Supposedly Ike Perlmutter is supposed to be the mad / financial genius behind deemphasizing the properties that Marvel doesn't have movie rights to, which tells me much of what I need to know about any artistic merit in the idea.

That said, the chance to prune the X-universe back a bit from the cruft it's accumulated over the last three decades is not necessarily a bad idea, regardless of the strategic motivation.

The pages shown in the article don't strike me as particularly well-written, though. Given that "mutants" and "inhumans" both tend to look outre to humans, why are only mutants being persecuted? What's the time frame in which this whole "mutants are now sterile" idea is coming from? Since when are mutants primarily being born of … well, mutants, vs from, you know, being mutations from normal human stock? Further, what does "mutants are sterile" really mean, given how genetics work and that we are all mutants in some fashion.

But I digress. Conceptually the idea that the mutant population is under existential siege in some way is neither radically new nor all that disturbing, and has the potential to be a good thing, just as it was in previous outings.

Like most things, I guess we'll see. If the stories backing up this new ostensible strategy are good ones, then I'll be happy. If it really plays like marketing-fobbed-off-as-art, it will be an opportunity to reduce my comic book budget. Win-win either way.

Originally shared by +Les Jenkins:

I can't blame them. They're going to have a lot riding on The Inhumans movie when it arrives so I'd expect they'd try to make them front and center.

Inhumans Killing X-Men in the Comics
A new Marvel Comics storyline has the Inhumans killing X-Men. Is this a response to the rivalry between Marvel Studios and 20th Century Fox?

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3 thoughts on “Mutants vs Inhumans! FIGHT!”

  1. not sure it counts as cutting back on the x-men titles when the announced new x-men titles coming in October:
    x-men; uncanny x-men; amazingx-men; extrodiaryx-men; spectacularx-men; awsomex-men; incrediblex-men; web of the x-men; claws of the x-men; choclate cakes of the x-men; ect…

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